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RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported
This error shows up when I make a Mac OSX build of a game I am making that utilizes the Render texture feature. It works for a Windows build, but it confuses me on why it is not supported for a Mac build. Here are the settings I used for the Render Texture and Camera:
For the Render Texture
Size: 4096 x 4096
Anti-Aliasing: None
Color Format: ARGB Int
Depth Buffer: 16Bit
Wrap Mode: Clamp
Filter Mode: Point
Aniso Level: 0
For the camera
Clear Flags: Solid Color
Background: Default Color
Culling Mask: Default Settings
Projection: Orthigraphic
Size: 16.8
Clipping Planes: Near: 0.3 Far: 1.6
Depth: 0
Rendering Path: Use Player Settings
Target Texture: (The render texture I am using above)
Occlusion Culling: true
HDR: false
Are any of these settings causing this error or am I forgetting something. Currently when this error occurs, I just see a blank white panel where the render texture should be. And the only use for this texture is to show the player what is happening and allows for input handled through a script.