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Deflecting missiles using lightsaber/sword in a VR environment
Background info - I'm currently working on a Virtual Reality game/prototype using a Wireless Oculus setup with motion tracking for the head, pelvis and one hand using the Vicon Tracking System.(This video gives a brief overview of the lab if anyone is interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZPs7knvs7M).
I've attached the lightsaber to the hand node and can control it holding the table tennis racket I have set up. I now want to have shots fired at me and deflect them using the lightsaber but I want to do this at the correct angles. I'm wondering of the best way to do this, if it's possible. I'm guessing that I'd cast a ray from the saber and one from the missile and work out the angle from those two?
Sorry to ask like this without actually trying it but I don't have access to the lab until tomorrow evening and would like to get something written by then.