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The Worlds Hardest Game

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The Worlds Hardest Game

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The Worlds Hardest Game

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79,048,960 PLAYS

Game description

The Worlds Hardest Game is sincerely the worlds hardest game. Strategize, execute, and overcome! In these action puzzlers, you'll be in charge of steering your green square through level after level or blue dots and red zones. Your goal is really quite simple: avoid the blue dots and navigate yourself from one red zone to another. That is it, that is all that is expected of you, sounds simple does it not? Well, it's not. It's actually hard. In fact, some have said this is the worlds hardest game --and it is. You'll have to match your dexterity to your ability to solve puzzles as you traverse these levels. Avoiding blue balls is a lot easier than it sounds. You'll see, you'll all see.


W,A,S,D / Arrow keys: Move your green square.

The Worlds Hardest Game gameplay
The Worlds Hardest Game
CONTENT RATING: All Ages (more info)
RELEASE DATE: 25 Mar 2008
79,048,960 PLAYS
DEVELOPER: Snubby Land

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