Downloads Games

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The only feeling better than playing your favorite Addicting Games online is playing your favorite Addicting Games on your desktop! You read that right, super fan, we here at Addicting Games are so committed to just handing out a good time that we have endeavored to provide you with games you can play free, even if you aren't on the site itself! So, check it out. Click on the game of your choice, download it and you'll always have access to it. We have a pretty great selection of downloadable games for you to choose from, there are puzzle games like Bubble Master or The Enchanted Kingdom which should keep the wheels turning and your brain burning long after you've cut off the wi-fi and layed down for the night.

If you're not a puzzle game type of person, don't worry! We've also dropped a stick game for you to enjoy! That's right, everyones favorite generic and overtly violent avatar of your inner selves is here, waiting for you to click the download button. Just check out Stick Trinity if you wanna experience the visceral thrills of stick sanctioned insanity but do it when you're visiting grandma, taking a train through a long tunnel or riding a plane far above the limits of even the strongest wi-fi.  These downloads are absolutely here for you to have a rockin' good time offline, but hey, promise you'll come back?

Plants vs. Zombies

Mars Needs Moms

Rango: Hometown Hero

The Enchanted Kingdom

Ah Choo

Bubble Master

Sears Arrival Concert

Stick Trinity