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Hidden Numbers - Tarzan (19)

Lisas emerit | Mängitud 5955 | Hinne: 3 | kontrollis: koopajumal

Sa pead pildilt luubiga numbreid otsima . All on näha numbrid mis sul veel vaja leida on .

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Kui sulle meeldis see, siis vaata neid ka!


muskakiisu97 () 
lahe mäng!!!!!

ain2xzw () 
ma ei leidnud number 12 üles

Etikiisu () 
nii lihtne, aga suht raske ka samas

Tolm () 
ma ei leidnud 15 üless

merruu () 
ma ei leia nr 15, osakb keegi aidata?

merruu () 
leitsin,nyyd ei leia teisest levelist nr11

Tolm () 
kus on 7?

15 on tarsani rindade all.

Tolm () 
Level 1)
1. On the left part of the liana.
2. In Tarzan's hair.
3. On Tarzan's shoulder.
4. In the sky, right to arm of the girl.
5. On the rocks to the right of Tarzan's hand.
6. On Tarzan's tummy.
7. On the tree, middle left.
8. On the tummy of the ape.
9. On the arm of the ape.
10. On the trees bottom right.
11. On top of the mountain in the back.
12. On the hair of the girl.
13. On Tarzan's foot.
14. On the body of the old man.
15. Between the rock and Tarzan's chest.
16. Bottom left of your screen.
17. On the rock above Tarzan's head.
18. On the rock to the right side of Tarzan's leg.
19. Top right of your screen.
20. On the cloud below the old man.

Level 2)
1. On Tarzan's right foot (left for the viewer).
2. In the girls' face.
3. On the leaf (top

Tolm () 
3. On the leaf (top of the bush on the bottom right).
4. Top left of your screen on the tree.
5. Top right of the screen (above games).
6. On the liana just above Tarzan's back.
7. Middle right of your screen.
8. On the red below Tarzan.
9. On the skirt of the girl.
10. In Tarzan's hair.
11. In the green (almost in the red) below the girl.
12. Between Tarzan's feet.
13. Above the heads of Tarzan and the girl.
14. On the top right tree.
15. On the middle left of your screen.
16. On the bottom part of the liana on the left.
17. In the green just below the girl.
18. On the red bushes/trees between the girl and the bushes on the bottom right.
19. Bottom left of your screen.
20. On the ring in Tarzan's hand.

Level 3)
1. Bottom right of your screen.
2. Top left of your

Tolm () 
2. Top left of your screen.
3. On the bottom of the big ship, just above the stairs.
4. In the tree on the right, at the end of the girl's hair.
5. On the trunk of the tree, to the left of Tarzan's foot.
6. In the sky between the girl's knee and Tarzan's foot.
7. On the flag of the big ship on the top middle.
8. On the ship to the left of Tarzan's right leg (left for the viewer.
9. Top middle of your screen, on the trunk that goes through the big ship.
10. On the trunk to the left of the big ship.
11. On the stairs, to the right of the white sail.
12. Bottom right of your screen, a bit to the left (on the rope bridge thing).
13. On the trunk of the tree, to the right of Tarzan's foot
14. To the left of Tarzan's right arm (left for the viewer).
15. On the white sail.

Tolm () 
16. Middle left of your screen.
17. On the boat on the bottom left.
18. To the right of the shoulder of the girl.
19. In the leafs of the tree on the left, above the white sail.
20. On the big ship, above Tarzan's hand.

kilikili () 
Tegin läbi Kerge , minuarust .

hannakas8 () 
Level 1)
1. On the left part of the liana.
2. In Tarzan's hair.
3. On Tarzan's shoulder.
4. In the sky, right to arm of the girl.
5. On the rocks to the right of Tarzan's hand.
6. On Tarzan's tummy.
7. On the tree, middle left.
8. On the tummy of the ape.
9. On the arm of the ape.
10. On the trees bottom right.
11. On top of the mountain in the back.
12. On the hair of the girl.
13. On Tarzan's foot.
14. On the body of the old man.
15. Between the rock and Tarzan's chest.
16. Bottom left of your screen.
17. On the rock above Tarzan's head.
18. On the rock to the right side of Tarzan's leg.
19. Top right of your screen.
20. On the cloud below the old man.

Level 2)
1. On Tarzan's right foot (left for the viewer).
2. In the girls' face.
3. On the leaf (top

hannakas8 () 
Level 3)
1. Bottom right of your screen.
2. Top left of your

BlackBird11 () 
Höö Höö -1 punni

Estnisch () 
ma ei leia 2 levelist numbrid: 5 , 11 , 14 kus need asuvad?

Estnisch () 
numbri 14 leidsin üles aga kaks numbrit ikka ei leia

Estnisch () 
krr, ma ei leia kolmandas levelis number 14 üles

-LoveMannu- () 
Ma ei saa armu miks te ette ütlete kus mis on nii on teistel mõtetu ju=)