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(vaata täissuuruses)

KillerCandyFuck: heart to heart
(, vaadatud 480x)  Lemmik: 3x   
I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.

I may look happy, but honestly dear,
The only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear.
I see the vultures, they watch me bleed.
They lick their lips, as all the shame spills out of me.

We all carry these things,
Inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors.
They drown us out at sea.
I look up to the sky.
There may be nothing there to see.
But if I don't believe in him,
Why would he believe in me?

point of life?



kiisukene257 ()
KillerCandyFuck ()
TheWomanizer ()
KillerCandyFuck ()
^_^ aitäh
-BlueBerry ()
Aww kui nunnu .
KillerCandyFuck ()
aitäh .
Tedy ()
Üli nunnu .
black-pink-rose ()
armastan väga.... NUMMI pilt ja imeilus luuletus!
KillerCandyFuck ()
See pole tegelikult luuletus (;
BMTH - Chelsea Smile

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Fotokolli VABATEEMA. Vol.3

Pilte saab lisada: Ei

Teema on lukus: Jah

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