Filmid, mis tuleb ära vaadata ja filmid, mis on juba vaadatud

Vaatamisi: 408

Movie watchlist:
Star trek
Pan's Labyrinth
The Sixth Sense
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974
I can't think straight

Movie rec list:
A Clockwork Orange
We need to talk about Kevin
A Single Man
Brokeback Mountain
My Bloody Valentine
Strange Circus
Suicide Club
Suicide Room
Serial Mom
Battle Royale
Wristcutters: A Love Story
Heavenly Creatures
Insidious (1, 2, 3)
Funny Games (1997)
Blue is the warmest color
Happiness (1998)
Imagine Me & You

Anime watchlist:
Cowboy Bebop
Blood plus
Great Teacher Onizuka
Project K

Anime rec list:
Puella Magi Magoka Magica
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Soul Eater
Death Note
Blue Exorcist
Tokyo Ghoul
Attack on Titan
Black Butler
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
