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The Interrogation

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Here you will have to interrogate Ted's ex-wife Bridget in the local lock-up. She has important information on the murder of Angie but be prepared, she's a pathological liar and you will need to be logical, strategic and devious in order to catch her out.

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A point-and-click game with a mystery in it. Not used to that, but not opposing. It could use a fix when it comes to repeat of dialogue.

I love how Bridget mocks Klink for using big words while she's no different. Despairosity? That's not even a real word!

The game aged well, definitely could use a remake for today's games. I've noticed you can make Bridget repeat her words, just a minor bug on how dialogue choices work here. (Useful to get refreshed on important information this way)


the pictures are terrible.

Compared to others in the series, this flash was rather boring, since it was just trying to get to the truth, which meant just Bridget talking pretty much the whole time. She still has the creepy wink thing going around, and the flirtation is certainly not working with her. At the end I like how you say that someone is lying, yet note she's a pathological liar. Gee, I wonder who will end up being the liar.

this was awful