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postitas: KillerCandyFuck - 05.03.2009, , loetud: 420x

Mul polnud seda mujale panna aga noh suva... pmst see tekst on ühe autoõnnetuse kohta, milles osalesid ka Jonas Brothersi liikmed. Mina kirjutasin selle maha youtube'i ühe video pealt ning see tüüp kes seellest video tegi sai selle omakorda ajakirjast.

Ajakiri - Tiger Beat

"We thought we were going to die! "

Our old family vacations were always an adventure. We did a lot of long driving to South Carolina where our dad's family was. The typical drive is long and we were all passed out in the backseat. Our vacation was done and we were driving back to New Jersey. Nick and Joe were asleep in the back. Joe put on his glasses to see this truck coming towards us from the behind. We all woke at that exact moment. We were hit by an 18-wheeler. The driver fell asleep at the wheel. Right before the impact, Joe grabbed Nick and took him under his arm. Glass shattered all over the car. A little got on me (Kevin) and Frankie, but because Joe grabbed Nick, nothing fell on him. It all went in slow-motion, it was really crazy. The glass shattered, and we were completely exposed and the guy who hit us, woke up and came out of the truck and goes, "Everybody alright?" and we were like "Are you kidding me!? You just hit us with a truck!"
Luckily, the truck hit the back of the car, and if we didn't have so much lugage, it would've crashed right into the car.

Märksõnad: jonas brothers 

Kommentaarid (17)

annike40 (06.03.2009 10:16)
ma ei oska seda keelt ,
KillerCandyFuck (06.03.2009 14:17)
seda polegi vaja lugeda ;d .
Staub (20.03.2009 10:53)
sain natuke aru .
KillerCandyFuck (20.03.2009 11:37)
. tore
ShakeYourKitty (16.04.2009 16:41)
annike see ''see'' keel on inglise keel ;d .
KillerCandyFuck (16.04.2009 17:18)
. iep
Chevy (27.04.2009 16:05)
Issand väga vedas vms
KillerCandyFuck (27.04.2009 16:24)
Castaway (02.05.2009 16:03)
tglt jah , mul on ka selline hirm olnud .
ainult v*gistamisega ,
olime muulil ja siis mingi s6jav2elane koguaeg jooksis - algusest lõppu .
teised sõbrannad l2ksid ees ja üks nendest helistas mulle ja ütles , et olge ettevaatlikud , ta võib v*gistada xdd .
KillerCandyFuck (02.05.2009 16:18)
PetzXD (05.05.2009 19:40)
eriti lihtne inglise keel, ma räägin nagu Chigcagos, lol!
KillerCandyFuck (05.05.2009 19:55)
Antidote (17.06.2009 11:46)
Gawd o.o
Seda mai teadnudki =O.
Vägev.Et kohvrid ja selline värk taga oli.Muidu oleks nad surnud .______.'
KillerCandyFuck (17.06.2009 13:11)
Ja, ma ise ka olin suht nagu imestuses kui ma seda lugesin.
KillerCandyFuck (04.01.2010 09:43)
mhm :'d



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