
BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution for penetration testers and security researchers. The repository contains 2628 tools. You can install tools individually or in groups. BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing Arch installs. For more information, see the installation instructions. Also, news is published on our blog.

Please note that BlackArch is a relatively new project. To report bugs and request new tools, please visit the issue tracker on Github, stop by IRC, or email us.

The BlackArch Live ISO contains multiple window managers. Below you will find screenshots of a few of them.

BlackArch Linux with fluxbox
BlackArch Linux with i3
BlackArch Linux with awesome wm
BlackArch Linux with spectrwm
BlackArch Linux with lxdm
BlackArch Linux Grub

BlackArch Linux is backed by a team of volunteers. Some of them have chosen to appear in the following list.


BlackArch Linux is backed by a team of volunteers. Below are the names of those who helped the project.

Former Developers & Contributors
  • Name Nickname E-Mail GPG Key Role
    Evan Teitelman paraxor teitelmanevan@gmail.com Founder, Developer
    Javier nrz nrz@nullsecurity.net Developer
    Ellis Kenyo elken elken.tdos@gmail.com Developer
    Louis Dion-Marcil ldionmarcil louis.dionmarcil@gmail.com Developer
    Halit Alptekin rapt0r me@halitalptekin.com Contributor
    Ano Nymous sudokode sudokode@gmail.com Contributor
    Guy Marquez eserror guy.marquez@yandex.com Contributor
    Felipe Montes GudwaL felipe@smartdefence.cl Contributor
    Abelardo Ricart abby aricart@gmail.com Contributor
    Filipe Lains FFY00 ffy00@blackarch.org Contributor
    Harry P. luserx0 luserx0@blackarch.org Developer