I. What is CBD?

CBD (or Cannabidiol), is one of the most effective out of 110 cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis leaves.

Hemp plants are rich with the powerful CBD element, helping to balance sleep, pain, emotions, immune system and other organism functions

Cannabidiol molecules have existed in nature for millions of years, but have only been discovered in 1940 by an American chemist Roger Adams[1], while analysing molecular structure of cannabis. He was the first to succeed isolating CBD molecule.

The CBD pioneer Roger Adams (on the left), exploring CBD isolation process in 1940

Since 1970 a number of studies by various scientists tried to clarify, how CBD actually interacts with human body. 

The first official CBD experiment with people was conducted in 1978 by Jewish scientist Raphael Mechoulam[2] (he is now called „the father of CBD“ and is still active in cannabis medicine field).

Jewish scientist Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who conducted first experiments of CBD on human health in 1978

His team applied 300mg CBD isolate daily dose on a group of 8 people for 4 months and observed, how would that treat epilepsy.

The results were surprisingly positive - 4 of the subjects stopped having seizures at all, while 3 had a decrease in frequency (that was the main groundwork leading to creation of anti-epilepsy drugs called „Epidiolex“ 30 years later).

The study was met controversially (as were most topics related to cannabis), but attracted wide public curiosity on CBD ingredient. As a result, it also initiated a chain of new studies.

1988 study by American scientist W. A. Devane showed[3], that our neural and immune systems are full of so called endocannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, which react to both endocannabinoids (the ones produced by our body) and phytocannabinoids (the ones produced by plants).

The psychoactive cannabis element THC binds to both of the receptors, making people dizzy and anxious.

CBD, meanwhile, works in different way. It does not bind to neither, but instead helps our inner cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) to become more effective.

Endocannabinoids are the 24/7 workforce keeping long-term balance in our neuro/immune systems, which sometimes react too sensitive to the negative influencers of our lives – diseases, injuries, stress, bad people - to name a few.

Endocannabinoids work well enough under normal conditions, but in some extreme situations they fail to keep the balance.

Therefore, CBD is a great peacemaker when things go out of hand.

CBD food supplements are mostly valued for bringing daily physical and mental functions or reactions (such as sleep, pain, emotions, immune system) back to balance.

Even though there are only a few officially approved CBD drugs and all of them are very expensive, 2019 surveys showed that 7% of USA population already use CBD on regular basis, mostly as food supplements or cosmetics.

Due to rapidly increasing popularity, Cannabidiol can now be found in all sorts of forms – oils, capsules, creams, beverages, coffee, gummies and many more, so everyone can pick his/her preferred method of apply.

Oils and capsules are typically made from hemp leaves extract, rich with full or broad spectrum of cannabinoids (except THC), terpenes and flavonoids. Meanwhile, other CBD product types usually contain isolated CBD crystals.

It is important to mention, that CBD is neither addictive nor intoxicating, so safe to use. This fact has been confirmed by  World Health Organization in 2018.[4] 

[1] https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja01858a058

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/351429/

[3] http://molpharm.aspetjournals.org/content/34/5/605.long

[4] https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/CannabidiolCriticalReview.pdf

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