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What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a molecule found in cannabis and hemp leaves.

It has been discovered in 1940 and is one of the most valuable out of more than 110 cannabinoids, existing in nature.

CBD has no psycho-active effect. Contrary, it interacts with our endocannabinoid system in a good way - calming our body and mind, when they react too sensitive to negative influencers of our lives.

Read more about CBD >

Wellbeing benefits of cannabis in a safe and effective way

For Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts CBD package

Before sleep, because no aftertaste. For seniors, because easier to dose.

Sixty Breaths - 60 capsules of 10mg CBD (600mg) - H Drop

For beginners, because in mild concentration.

Joys of Spring - 5% CBD oil (500mg) - H Drop

CBD dosage calculator

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