Otsime bassisti/Need bassist (Tallinn)

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Liitunud: 22 Sept 2020 14:31

Otsime bassisti/Need bassist (Tallinn)

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Kaks kitarristi ja trummar otsivad toreda bassisti enda kollektiivi. Eesmärk on alguses natuke mängida coverid, et bänd sai kokku. Pärast juba tegeleda enda materjaliga.
Praegu olemas portfoolio Youtube kanal, kuhu me laadisime õpitud laulud. Saabumas on ka teised uuemad videod. Tegutseme Tallinnas


Instagram - mailo74
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dante.hunter.100

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRlEOk ... Z2AduVrNlw


Two guitarists & drummer are in search neat bassist for band project. We are planning to play a little bit of covers for start, to put every person together, then to work on our music. We have portfolio YouTube channel, where are some of the learned and recorded stuff. And there is more to be uploaded. Town of action - Tallinn

Instagram - mailo74
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dante.hunter.100