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(vaata täissuuruses)

Kira: Miley Cyrus - Start All Over
(, vaadatud 567x)  Lemmik: 7x   
I have to wonder if this wave's too big to ride
Commit or not commit it's such a crazy tide

It's sooner than I thought but you called me out
I lost control and there's no doubt,
I'm gonna start all over

Out of the fire and into the fire again
You make me want to forget and
Start all over
Here I come
Straight out of my mind, or worse
Another chance to get burned
And start all over
I'm gonna start all over

Fantastic and romantic
All a big surprise
You've got the warning
hesitation pushed aside

It's sooner than I want
But you caught my heart
I guess I'm ready now to start
I'm gonna start all over

Out of the fire and into the fire again
You make me want to forget and
Start all over
Here I come
Straight out of my mind, or worse
Another chance to get burned
And start all over
I'm gonna start all over

It's so easy
You disrupt me
Can't complain
It's so easy
You disrupt me
Can't complain
It's so easy
You disrupt me
Can't complain
It's so easy....

I'm gonna start all over

Out of the fire and into the fire again
You make me want to forget and
Start all over
Here I come
Straight out of my mind, or worse
Another chance to get burned
And start all over
Out of the fire and into the fire again
You make me want to forget and
Start all over
Here I come
Straight out of my mind, or worse
Another chance to get burned
And start all over
I'm gonna start all over

Nonii. Miley Cyruse riietus tema fantastilises muusikavideos "Start All Over".
Juukseid - netu. Proovisin, epic failure.
Pükstel on ka traksid, veidi on neid vesti alt näha, layeril on täitsa olemas.
Vestile üritasin teha litreid. ...
Pluusil olev pilt.... Oeh. Ma üritasin.
Saapad olid enamvähem sellised puhvikad, eksole.
Seega, mis arvate? ^o^

*jändab failiformaatidega*

Lisatud failid

Miley (.psd)



tubli55 ()
Kira ()
tähh. ^^
kiiksuga ()
ilus aga soeng võiks ka olla
Kira ()
sorry, no can do. ei oska lihtsalt. olen teinud kaks soengut ja need ebaõnnestusid.

tähh muidu, ^^
beautifulgirl ()
Minu pool üritasid sa kah seda teha .

Üsna normaalne , kuigi vest on küll nii "Out" minujaoks .

Kena on .
Kira ()
üritasin, see on mul endiselt alles. *vaatab* suht magedalt tegin selle vana versiooni,
no vesti kallal sai jännatud ka. need litrid olid õudusunenägu.


*kas proovida juuste tegemist või mitte - selles on küsimus.*
elisa2001 ()
Kira ()
tänks. ^^
CookieLaww ()
Kira ()
hannakas10 ()
Ma tahtsin seda öelda,et ellel kostüümil #!?!#a olema traksid ripumas
Kira ()
Seal ongi. Preview'l pole näha, aga psd failis on täiesti olemas.
CrazyK2tzu ()
kolliaks ammu
kirbi66 ()
neid saapaid ma laavin

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Vol.18.August. Lukus.

Pilte saab lisada: Ei

Teema on lukus: Jah

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