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Horse Isle 3 - Infinite Wilds!
Infinite World to Explore, Infinite Genetic Breeding, Infinite Wilds to catch!
Free downloads for MAC, Linux And Windows Computers!
HI3: Infinite Wilds!    (Come join the adventure!)
Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment.

HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. Your horse's performance and actual look are based on its genetics, just like the real world. No two horses look or behave alike. Come discover your special horses!

Along the way, make friends with some of our great playerbase. HI3 players are helpful and fun folks! This is a special place :)

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Infinite Wilds: Infinite World, Infinite Wild Horses & Infinite Horse Genetics Combinations!
Players Currently Online:171 Active Accounts:3458
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.35c    (December 30, 2020)
We focused on bugs for this update. Managed to slip in a new minigame though!

Additions & Changes:
+ The lasso is no longer put away after a course obstacle is lassoed.
+ Dark forest Fog view distance increased 50%
+ Clarified store Mobia and item stocking text for buying and selling.
+ Added store stocked item sale transactions logging to sellers.
+ New [Deceased] log view from bottom of HORSES page.
+ Added kinder, random messages if online while a horse passes.
+ Added a notice if you log in and horses have passed right above the "You have mail" check.
+ Prevent most cases of horse whistling over ice.
+ Add a quest popup upon crediting a shooting star if you are on a collect-star player made mission.
+ Prevent tags in certification names, removed existing color tags
+ Partial alphabetical listing of clubs option now. (A-E)

New Puzzle Game:
+ Tree Rings! Find them around the Alpine Biomes.
+ Hopefully you wont get "Stumped"... sorry.
+ Added SHIFT+Click to reverse rotation for Tree ring, Number Lock and Turtle Shell games.

Added More Info To BBB For:
+ Asinara Donkey
+ Belgian Mule
+ Poitou Donkey

A New Miniature Pony:
+ Brazilian Pony

New Mule Breeds: (READ breeding & color rules in BBB)
+ American Cream Draft Mule
+ Appaloosa Mule
+ Poitevin Mule

Bug Fixes:
- Transmutio Amulet prevented from transforming donkeys to mules
- Blanket adjusted to fit donkeys properly.
- Plushie positioning fixed for donkeys.
- All tack that rests on the forehead adjusted to fit donkeys (Unicorn hat/Bridles/etc..)
- Prevent cave dwellers from winning "Highest Terrain" server game.
- There is no longer a one second lag in control after lassoing a course obstacle.
- Fix for object not set crash for certain instruments.
NEWS: Quick Server Update    (December 23, 2020)
Players noticed Lucky Finds were broken! So, this quick server update fixes!

+ Fixed Lucky Finds back to working! Those wild donkey's must have knocked it out.
+ Shopping Board searching by breed now pre-sorts by equine type into categories. (scroll to bottom for donkeys)
+ Horse cart equipments now block when over horse max.

Added the following guides to the Horses Forum on Website:
+ Donkey guide: donkey coat colors + donkey hair types
NEWS: HI3 Client Update v.35b    (December 21, 2020)
A few quick fixes for the big Donkey and Mule update.

A New Mule Breed:
+ Percheron Mule

New Mule Type:
+ Draft Mule

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed tack fitting for donkeys.
- Fixed issue with girth strap not fitting properly for flat backed horses.
- Rare Pink Donkey Tails fixed.
- Potential fix for GUIManager null reference crash.

Miniature Knabstrup Exp Top 10
BerryTrustYXsAN Moonkaka8,567
Opheliaaudax '' sterrennacht ''6,807
BerryTrustYXsAN 1200 MewMoon4,000
BerryTrustYXsAN 10923,750
BerryTrustYXsAN Brigthmoon3,750
RebellionBaddieYXsAN SootyEbonySealBrownVarnish3,505
BerryTrustYXsAN Buttercup3,500
CanChaserYXsAN MoonMother2,920
QueenOfGeckosYXsAN MoonShine2,500
CheekyCKY 1210 Worthwhile2,250
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Catch And Release Top 10
PlayerReleased Wilds
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Player Dye Slots Top 10
View Top 100

Kaimanawa Exp Top 10
Hazeyhzy Tito38,815
AceticAcidACEKM perchloric35,984
Hazeyhzy Pork Soda16,426
Bracken*~K~* Leila15,765
AceticAcidACEKM pernitric13,844
Bracken*~K~* Manaia10,775
Bracken*~K~* Anahera '957 15.0 5.10 3-6'9,070
Bracken*~K~* Tuisong '922 15.7 5.07 2-6'8,635
Hazeyhzy Ataahua7,684
AceticAcidACEKM titrate7,059
View Top 100
Toric Exp Top 10
Ever4Ever Willy Wonka21,408
AbsentFriends/Snow Roheline2,361
AbsentFriendsABS Tuliliilia1,138
MelonMelonM's Franziskus467
View Top 100
Schleswig Exp Top 10
FlowerBrickAdora Katharina14,323
Damaged.d. Brutus6,497
ThornedRoseMauna Loa4,318
WhiteSummerAdora Kreasure Isle2,579
InnaUNSC Fish2,500
BanditR|R Glasmalerei2,250
CubbyAdora Elessar2,012
KittyCatAdora Nanook1,768
MandaAdora 957 Precious1,756
OreoHorseONION Tumbleweed1,617
View Top 100

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