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half a heart ; ashton irwin ; prologue (3)

21.01.2014 22:06, x121 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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Katriin's POV.

"Show me your results now. Did they accept you to go to Australia for a year?" my mom asked.

"Yes-yes they did! They were really happy and I was the only who wanted to be an exchange student in Sydney."

"Really happy for you. Do you know when you have to go?"

"In 3 days they wanted."

You might didn't know that I wasn't from Australia, I'm from Estonia.

"Katriin, did they like your poem or your talent of music?"

"Yes, mom. They were really surprised and they picked the right school for me." I smirked. "I better call to my friends now. Oh, by the way, can I stay one night at Lauren's?"

"Probably yes if you're good girl."

"Thank you."

I chose Lauren's number.




"Hi best friend," she cheered.

"Hi Lauren," me with a sad voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I stay at yours today? Then I'll let you know what's wrong.."

"Of course, Hannah is here too."

"I'm on my way."

Lauren was my neighbour, so I only had to walk 3 detached houses away.

I knocked on the door.

"Hi Katriin!" Lauren came with a hug.

"Hi Lauren!"

"Come in! Hannah is in my room."

We walked upstairs. Her room was clearer than mine because knowing me, I'm very lazy at cleaning rooms.

"Hannah, meine schatz!*" I said.
(*my sweetheart/darling)

"Haha, your German gets better every week."

Hannah has been an exchange student in Estonia for 2 years now. She's from Berlin, Germany. I studied German for her because she was really nice and cute to me and Lauren. Since she came to my school, we talked a lot about each other and we were best friends.

"So tell me, what's wrong?" Lauren had a frown on her face.

"I'm going to Sydney for a year."

"That's so cool! Why you should be sad then?"

"Because I'm going to miss you both. You both know that I could find new awesome friends but you are really my life and soul. I will never leave you. Just come and visit me sometimes, I'd be very pleased."

"Yeah, but your exchange family might aren't accepting that thought," Hannah looked at Lauren's face.

"Whatever. If they're nice and polite- then you might have a change." I smiled.

"And tell me, Kat, when you are going?" Lauren asked.

"In 3 days aka on Friday."

"Do you know what's your exchange family name?"

"Was it Irwin? I have to check it on my phone," while checking my phone, Lauren brought some drinks and food to have last fun time. "Yes, Irwin is the right."

"And do you know, who lives in this family?"

"Yes, but I haven't seen a picture of them."

"Just think, you will have a birthday in other country. You'll be 17. Thats lucky."

"It's in December, Lauren."

"And so? Still."

"4 months until it," Hannah says happily.

"Guys, please stop talking about my birthday. I don't want to hear about it, okay?"

"Piece of cake," they winked at me.

"Definitely Aussie boys are cuter than Estonian ones."

"Shh, Hannah, shut up. I'm not going to Australia to find a boyfriend. That's not even polite of you thinking of that."


"Alright, let's open some drinks and go to sleep. Because Katriin looks like she had a rough day today."

"Thanks, Lauren."

"Always for you." she raised her Coke up.

"Thanks girls for being such an amazing power for me. My life was so fun thanks to you. After my daddy went to France, I'm only child at the moment in my family. I love you endlessly." one tear slowly fell on my cheek.

"We love you too!" they screamed.

I never knew that Lauren and Hannah can exist because my father hasn't contacted with me for 8 years, I thought I'd forget him but he's still in my heart and soul.

My father was a lovely man and he was really happy to have me as hisdaughter.

"Oh, almost forgot, we have a gift for you," Hannah sought something in her bag."here you go!"

"A diary?"

"Yes, now, as you are an exchage student like me, you should write down all your to do's and memories."

"That's really nice of you, girls. I love you!"

"You're welcome."

I then went to sleep because I was very exhausted.

* * *

It's 3am and somebody woke me up. It was Lauren.

"What do you want?" I ask madly.

"Did you know about that family where are you going to live in Sydney?"

"No," I grinned.

"There's one boy who plays in a band called "5 Seconds Of Summer". Remember when I talked about them and you were going crazy when you heard their music?"

"Oh, wait what really?" I slowly opened my eyes to wide open. I even didn't remember that, I'm such an idiot. "I'm such a f*ckhead now."

"No, you aren't. You just remind me with the last name "Irwin" and then I thought that's really familiar. But have fun there, okay?"

"Haha, of course. Go to back to sleep now." I said to her.

* * *

Lauren's POV.

I mean if Katriin finds that Ashton is attractive and a heartthrob then I don't know what to do. I like Ashton, eventually I fangirl over 5SOS an if Katriin even doesn't know about them a lot.

I didn't go to sleep because Katriin is so lucky. It's 4:48am and I feel pretty sleepy. I should go to back sleep but I won't wake up before 12pm.

* * *

Katriin's POV.

"Stubborn Lauren," I thought to myself before when I went to back to sleep.

It's 10am, finally. I'm starving as always.

"Morning Diana, how are you?" I asked Lauren's mother who was in the kitchen making a breakfast for us.

"Hi-hi sweetheart, I'm fine and you?"

"Uh, pretty tired. Just woke up. Literally, I'm starving."

"Great that you came in right time - I made some pancakes. I heard that you are going away from Estonia for a year, that's right?"

"Yep," popping out the "p".

And finally - the food is ready. I took the fork and knife and started to eat.

"They're so good, Diana. Just - perfect."

"Thanks and you're welcome. Do you know does Lauren sleeping?"

"Yes, probably," I laughed. "Woah who came just downstairs!"

"Hey guys!" Lauren said very slowly and with closed eyes.

"Hey sleepyhead," I teased her. "So what cha' up to today?"

"I want to sleep but I smelled some good stuff here. Pancakes for me please too, mommy?" she spelled.

"Yes, of course baby girl."

"Thanks for the amazing breakfast, delicious! I should go to home now and pack my stuff."

"You are welcome and you are always welcomed back, darling." Diana said with a sigh.

"Aw, did I see a tear falling?"

"Maybe," she giggled.

I gave them big hugs and took my stuff with that new diary what they've given me. I almost forgot on the bedside table in the Lauren's room but thankfully she brought for me to the downstairs.

* * *

originaaljutu saab siit lugeda: http://www.wattpad.com/story/8722641-half-a-heart

p.s jutt on minu kirjutatud ning õigused lähevad mulle :)

Teavita ebasobivast sissekandest!




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Ash <3
I can't get over him.


aw babeh he's totally mine xo


I don't even care, cause calum is mine, and don't ya even try to touch him.

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