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Play DragonFable

What is DragonFable?
DragonFable is an animated fantasy RPG that you can play using your web browser. Each week the DragonFable creative team add new original content based on the suggestions of you and your fellow players as we evolve our ongoing storyline. DragonFable is free to play, but if you like what we are doing you can help support the game by upgrading with a powerful Dragon Amulet unlocking exclusive areas and powerful items.

DragonFable News

Train your dragon!

HAPPENING NOW! You are the hero of DragonFable, and by your side stands your valiant companion, your dragon! If you haven't gotten your dragon companion yet, find out how to train your dragon from a hatchling to titan-sized and fulfill your destiny of saving the world!

The Spells We Weave

This week, the Book 3 main story continues! With Swordhaven safe for now, the consequences of actions of the past begin to emerge.

Six Heroes: Darkheart

This week, ring in the Lunar New Year with the latest installment of Six Heroes!

What's Mine is Yours

Veryrus the Boxcat in Book 3 Amityvale may be in some legal trouble! Head over for a chat and see if you can play politics and help him out!


This week in DragonFable, Swordhaven is under siege! Will The Golden Hand Magesters control the rift in time? Or will Swordhaven be buried under sand and sun?

The Corrupted Seven: Pride

This week in DragonFable, the corrupted elemental spirit of Pride has appeared at the Arena at the Edge of Time!

An Epic Web RPG

In AdventureQuest, a series of events that will change the shape of the world forever are taking place. A story so large is unfolding that it will take two very different games to tell it. DragonFable is a brand new web based role playing game which will take you deeper than ever into the AdventureQuest world. Create your character and become the hero of an evolving weekly storyline. The DragonFable RPG is like a playable web comic with a new chapter released weekly. The chapters will run parallel to the events happening in AQ giving you a deeper look into the stories behind the wars and characters. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? You might do something in one game that causes thousands of players to be engulfed in a war in the other. This is going to be Epic! View the Official FAQ page

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"AdventureQuest", "DragonFable", "MechQuest", "ArchKnight", "", "AdventureQuest Worlds", "Artix Entertainment", "Artix"
and all game character names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. All rights are reserved.

Portals: New Games · Mini Games · Browser and Mobile Games
Multiplayer: Browser MMORPG · PvP MMORPG
Single Player: Online RPG · Fantasy Dragon Game · Space Mech Game · Web RPG · Sci-Fi Alien Game

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