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Pirate Pete's Treaure Task (DEMO)

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Ahoy, landlubbers!

Welcome aboard the "Funny Sackeyes"! My name is Capt'n Sackeye and you are....well...let's call you Pete just for now.

You wanna be part of the best piratecrew ever and it is now your job to find a hidden treasure! AYE! It's one of those nice-to-have treasures, which is well hidden in our pirate hideout. So get the clues and solve the riddles.

If you do your job well, a life of adventure awaits you. Otherwise, death awaits you.

Enjoy this tiny shortgame-Demo with over 300 different variations! There is only ONE thing to do: Solve all the tasks of the crew members and find the treasure. Nothing more, nothing less :)

If you like what you see, think about following and/or donating (ko-fi.com/gamemakingdizzy)


Thanks for playing and testing

Update June 8:

  • grammar fixes
  • translation for german players

Update June 1:

  • grammar fixes
  • preperation for translation

Update May 16:

- fixed dialogue-issues

- changed cannonball-task

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Right above the anchor you can just walk off the ship

I swear, the first puzzle is impossible. It completely throws my head for a loop when the compass doesn't face north, at least 1 of the questions (number found in a card deck, a compass, and the moon) is impossible to get correctly, and the way the questions are arranged randomly is just dumb. Even with taking notes of my answers, I can't get past this impossible first question. Please, at least change the impossible clue, I want to see what else the game has to offer, but I can't if I die in the first few minutes of gameplay every time.

GameMakingDizzy responds:

Hey there!
First: thanks for playing :)

What do you mean with "first" puzzle?

Well...the idea with compass is to not just go to North guy, get his answer and say that his answer is for North. North is where the red needle shows.
Arranging questions in a random order is for replayerbility or would you play Sudoku again, if there is only one board arranged the same?

As for the challenge of the questions: well...I won't spoiler the answers, but you can send me a message with your hardest clue and I will answer. I can't say, if the clues are hard to solve or not. Some friends of mine said, that they are ok. Well...it's really subjective, but I'll gladly help :)

The third time being told that absilutely every one of my answers to the FIRST puzzle were incorrect, and rechecking my maths and seeing that they were right, and I gave up.

GameMakingDizzy responds:

Feel free to send me a message with the riddles you have and the answers you think are the correct ones. I will gladly check them :) maybe the compass said another direction (as up is not always north)?

Still thanks for playing and commenting :)

The guy for North doesn't talk at all, and the guy for west (1st mate) talked the 1st time I played, but the 2nd time he only says "listen carefully" and I can't get to the hint.

The captain's hint the first time asked how many cannon balls are on the deck?
If the guns are loaded, do those count as on the deck? Or not?
If the balls are stacked up, like at the rear of the ship: Is that 3 on the deck? or 5?
If the balls in the cannons count, does that include the one sticking out the back of the ship?

I can easily come up with 4 different "right" answers from that hint.

Clearly a lot of work went into this already, but it needs a bit more.

GameMakingDizzy responds:

not sure about the north guy, but the other guys had some minor mistakes (my fault XD). These are now hopefully fixed :3

For the cannonball-task...well...I wanted it to be as simple as possible...my bad for not seeing your great possibilities with this task. I made an alternative for this now :3

Thanks for the reply! It's really appreciated :)