Makeover Games

Refine Your Sense of Self

Makeovers give us a chance at an about face, and even a bottoms up. Glossy magazines love to show how it is done and a massive industry has sprung up to assist with image turnarounds, from simple haircuts to plastic surgery. 

But before making a drastic decision, many would like have a peek to see if that new haircut really would make their eyes pop, if brighter colors could be the key to standing out in the crowd, or if something more extreme, like dental work, could help lock in the much-desired look they are striving for. Not everyone is brave enough to walk into the hairdresser saying "chop chop." Makeover games let you experiment, risk-free.

Try on a new 'do with Snip and Style Salon by changing your model's cut, length, or color. Movie stars do it all the time with celebrity makeovers. When The Secret Life of… hit the UK’s History Channel on TV some years ago, the curious viewers scrambled to get a glimpse at what some of the most famous figures in history would look like if they were alive today. Figures like Queen Elizabeth I, who sports a Hilary Clinton hairstyle and a stylish, designer suit, or William Shakespeare, who was portrayed as a hipster, with piercings and hair plugs. 

On you can go backward in time and see how you would look in the past by making yourself over 1980s' style. But if Shakespeare is your calling, honor his TV-inspired ghost in the present and make yourself as hipster as he would be with 2 Cool Fashion Makeover.

Who do you want to be, though? Girls can toy with their identity with Princess Royals vs Hipsters. Or if they simply dream of putting on that princess tiara, then makeover games for girls let them get a feel for what it would be like. They can travel as royals with Princess Summer Eurotrip or just live in the current day with How to Be a Modern Princess.

Whether modern-day cool or classic panache is what you seek, when the wedding bells chime it is time for some  A Hipster Wedding could be on a snowboard, dressed in all black, or even in a hot-air balloon, whereas a Princess Garden Wedding needs some prior management to avoid diplomatic distress.

If all you need is a little height and stilletto confidence, Gorgeous Heels is a teetering ride on some fun and fine shoes that may be all you need to feel your makeover is complete.

Taking a chance and shake it up on – change it all, without changing a thing.