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Teema: Järjejutud / Noortejutud

Ryan's Diary Ch3 (0)

18.07.2013 10:55, x81 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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New Home

The raining has finally stopped and they arrived to the airport. Keigo is walking in as the men in suits are following him... making sure he won't try anything. First thing they see is Ryan, crying on a seat.
Keigo: ~walking to him~Hey... are you okay ? How did you get here?
Ryan: ~Notices him and whipes the tears away~ K..Keigo.. What is happening? Is... Is he actually sending us back ? ~looks at Keigo with black circles under his eyes~
Keigo: ~lowers himself and hugs him~ ... It will be okay. It won't be for long.. I suppose.
Man in suit: Plane takes off in 5minutes, I have your suitcases packed. You should enter the plane. Have a good flight. ~they walk away~
The flight is long. But Keigo just can't close his eyes. He's gazing out of the window while Ryan is sleeping like a baby... his head falls on his shoulder and Keigo finally came out of his misreable mind. He looks down at Ryan... and finally feels like he hasn't slept for ages.
After 3 hours of sleep they arrive to Japan. First thing they see are two men in suits... There are already waiting for them.
Man in suit: Hello, young masters. ~they bow a little~ We are taking you to Don Haguro.
Boys don't say a word but they are a little surprised.
Keigo: ~Whispers to Ryan~ I didn't expect this kind of treating...
Ryan: ... It gets better.. or worse, depends on how you see it...
When they got to the parking lot, there was already a black limousine waiting for them. One of the man opens the car door and boys get in.
The drive wasn't very long... so the boys got a little more nervous. When they arrived, they saw a big building which shined beautifully in the morning sun. Men in suits were showing the way.
One of the men: Don Haguro is on the 8 floor. We will not go any further. On the 8 floor there will be a maid waiting for you. She'll take you to him.
Boys nodded and enterd the elevator.
Men in suits: Good luck!
And the elevator closed.
Ryan: ... Nervous ? ~grins a little~
Keigo: I'm not even sure how to act. It's been so long I last saw him. ~sigh~
They saw a number 8 on screen and the doors opened and so boys got out of the elevator. They were greeted by a lovely voice.
Maid: Hello, young masters. Please follow me. ~She turns around and shows the way~
So they stop infront of a big, red door, with fancy decorations and it even had a golden doorknob. The girl knocks on the door.
Maid: Master, It's Annie, you have visitors. May we come in.
Haguro: Ofcourse, you may enter.
Annie opens the door slowly and steps in.
Haguro: Oh, hello boys, come in take a seat.... So...Lets talk about the buisness now. Keigo, starting tomorrow you'll start training and going to school I picked out for you myself. Ryan will be joining you soon anfter he gets .. this... ridiculously long hair cut off.
Ryan: ~looks at dad in horror~
Haguro: It's time for you to get a real haircut, and I know just a hairsalon who can help you.
Keigo: And what traingin.. I was supposed to go school only.. I don't have time for this.
Haguro: AS LONG AS YOU LIVE HERE... you'll do as I say. Keigo... you're in our buisness now.. I didn't want to bring you into this ... but you made me to. There may be times when you have to protect yourself. ~sigh~ Enough of that. I'll give you the keys of your new home... Annie, take them to their appartment.
Annie: Yes sir ! Please follow me.

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