Hospital Games

Hospital games - be a doctor for a day

Admit it, you have wanted to become a doctor at some point of your life. Haven’t you? Well, that has not been possible for many of us. Doesn’t matter now as you can live the dream and play through actual operations and surgeries that doctors perform.

We feel that most of the action in a hospital takes place in the operating theatres. It is ‘The Place” where miracles are worked and lives are saved. So many different kinds of operations take place, each with its intricate procedures. These operations do require very steady hands and nerves both. After all, you have been entrusted with the patient’s life. 

From fixing broken knee joints to reattaching the tendons and bones of the elbow to operating on the brain, so many different things happen in the operation theater. Now it is your turn to join in and help out. Choose and play from our large category of hospital games. The games are fairly easy as you will be guided through the whole process. Different operations require different steps and procedures. Our games document these steps of different operations and present them for the user in a soothing manner. We have tried our best to ensure that the experience is authentic while also ensuring the games are tolerable for the eyes.

If you feel tired with all the operating on people, then you can always branch out and decide to play a veterinary hospital game where you operate on cute animals. If that is not your thing, then you can simply choose to give your hospital a complete makeover. Whatever your niche, has something for you in store. 

So, what are you waiting for?? Join and live the dream of saving lives every day. The best part of this is that it is completely FREE!!