Daily Deviation
anonymous's avatar
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Ellysiumn's avatar

It was my pleasure featured ur work as DD. Congrats

wonderingwellow's avatar

First off, lovely work! I like how the figure is posed so elegantly, yet she's draped in dark, witchy, and gaudy clothing. Her head piece really set it off, and makes it crystal clear that she at the very least, dabbles in the dark arts.

Now for my bit of critique. I don't have anything to critique about this, but I do have a few ideas that would've gave that extra push. I would've liked to see for her to be holding some kind of crystal or wand, in her upper right hand. It would looked as if she's getting ready to set yet another life into disarray. Another thing I feel wouldn't hurt, is a bit more fire in the background, along with a few brighter flames.

Well that's it for my bit if critique, great work, and hope this was helpful.

This critique was brought to you by Rudolph the Red. Merry CritMas!

L-anti-poeide's avatar

très chouette coiffure !

LindArtz's avatar

Wow, beautiful work!!! :clap: !!!!! Congrats on your much Deserved, DD!!

Dark-Indigo's avatar

Thank you very much :)

StarsColdNight's avatar

congratulations! happy new year :hug:

Dark-Indigo's avatar

Thank you very much :)

RagamuffinRose's avatar

Congratulations on your DD! :clap: Congratulations-gif

Dark-Indigo's avatar
S-T-A-R-gazer's avatar

2021 could not start better than a DD of my favorite pic from 2020 with my stock. So well deserved :love:

S-T-A-R-gazer's avatar

Please be so kind and add Volker Bergmann as the photographer of my stock for credit.

S-T-A-R-gazer's avatar

this left me speechless. It is one of my all time favorites photomanipulations here ever. It reminds me a lot at the art of Tom Bagshaw I am a great fan of. Thank you so much for making me so happy!

Dark-Indigo's avatar

Well thank you very much :) I'm really glad :) :)

S-T-A-R-gazer's avatar

This is so good and totally made my day. I could not be more happy that you choose my stock again. I love that creepy and extraordinary style a lot. This picture is one of my all time favorites :heart:

Dark-Indigo's avatar

Thanks For The Llama Emote

Well I'm really glad about that and thank you very much :) Great stock as always :) :)

Ellysiumn's avatar

Very good work!

Dark-Indigo's avatar
IncandescentRose19's avatar
Dark-Indigo's avatar
anonymous's avatar
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