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ariel025's avatar

Disney Tarzan_Safari

By ariel025
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I was reminded of a safari I led up the Zambezi. Marvelous! Lots of hunting, yes. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!! Wildebeest everywhere...Two bearers loading three rifles for me, blasting away. That's when I knew I was born for Africa...

2020 was the year I decided to see Disney's Tarzan for the very first time. And I'm literally kicking myself for not doing sooner or I would be introduced to this wonderful and suave villain much earlier. Well, better late than never!
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© 2020 - 2021 ariel025
anonymous's avatar
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ragman2002's avatar

one of the most gruesome deaths in disney history

ElectricDawgy's avatar

This is splendid! You did an excellent job on both the scenery and the characters. Clayton is one of my favorite Disney villains. He looks epic here. Great work!

ariel025's avatar

Thank you very much!:dummy:

violatexsilver's avatar

Kill the beast lol

AndrewDent's avatar

First Shan-Yu, now Clayton? You have AWESOME tastes in Disney villains ;)

AndrewDent's avatar

Yet another great thing about the Disney Renaissance, imo, it gave us a lot of what I, personally, feel are the best Disney villains :D

ariel025's avatar

I totally agree on that!

AndrewDent's avatar

Shan-Yu (probably my top-fave), Scar, Hades, Frollo, and Clayton are all prime examples imo :D Two other top faves of mine are the Horned King and Yzma, but they were a little before and after the "Renaissance" era, so yeah, lol

Jeremy-The-Guy's avatar

That movie is so underappreciated 😊

ariel025's avatar

Indeed! And let's not forget this film was the final entry of Disney Renaissance.

StevenBoo30's avatar
Better get serious now!
Neehara's avatar

wonderful work, terrible villain, i really despise him.

ariel025's avatar

Thank you!! And yeah he is a greedy A-hole, but great character design nonetheless!

LindArtz's avatar

Wonderful work! :clap: !!! Congrats on your much Deserved, DD!!

ariel025's avatar

Thank you very much!!Happy

GokuMartin's avatar

Happy New Year, ariel025!

ariel025's avatar

Thanks! Happy New Year 2021, have a good one!:clap:

anonymous's avatar
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