Too looooooong!
The game takes too long, mainly because it is hard to get money at first. And too many bugs, like the shield bug, were you can't release the shield unless you swing your sword.
Also, if you ignore the black boss, you can go even farther, and if you keep playing, your stat gets to crazy levels. I kept playing, until I got 100 attack, 2000 health, 313 speed, and 3070 money.
There is also another glitch that isn't spoken of. When you start getting high speed, when in town, and you press to leave, it runs back into town. And then, right before I started this review, the glitch got even worse by having me constantly running right, no matter what I do. Going to the menu is the only way to stop the running. I got to 6744 meters before I just stopped playing.
In summary: It needs a lot of work.