Daily Deviation
dmorehead's avatar

Victorian Christmas (Book Folding)

By dmorehead
214 Favourites

Badge Awards

Image size
2891x3068px 2.19 MB
iPhone XR
Shutter Speed
1/60 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 7, 2020, 11:27:54 AM
© 2020 - 2021 dmorehead
anonymous's avatar
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sesam-is-open's avatar

Congratulations for yourbeautiful work and weldeserved DD! :heart: :clap:

dmorehead's avatar

Why, thank you for your lovely comment...I was so delighted with the DD!!!!

Aless--Miniaturalia's avatar

Congratulations on the DD! Beautiful work

dmorehead's avatar

Congratulations to you as well !!!

nahrain's avatar
OMG, beyond imagination! Bravo!
dmorehead's avatar

Thank you very much for saying that !!!

nahrain's avatar

You're soooo welcome!!!

RagamuffinRose's avatar

Congratulations on your well-deserved DD, Dawn :hug: Congratulations 01

dmorehead's avatar

Thank you, Monica...it was a wonderful surprise...a real boost at the end of the year!!!! I've been grinning like a baboon all day!!

RagamuffinRose's avatar

I bet :love: You deserve it :hug: Stay happy, dear Dawn :heart:

lifethroughjournals's avatar

Congrats on the DD! Very well deserved!!

dmorehead's avatar

Thank you ....it was a swell way to end the year !!!!

magigrapix's avatar

Oh for simpler times. Where everyone had faith, Christmas wasn't so commercialised, People were more sharing and less selfish,... and there was leadership which did not divide communities within their own countries.

dmorehead's avatar

absolutely !!!! here's hoping our new leadership can reunite communities !!!

magigrapix's avatar

I'm so glad that I live in New Zealand. Soon to be President Biden looks like he's going to be a real stabilizing force, unlike the outgoing administration. I've been looking at what has been going on in the last four years in your country with fear. T**** needs to take a real serious look at the chaos he encourages, and look at how it has weakened the American ideal to the rest of the world. America used to be a beacon of hope, but not now. I do hope that with the vaccine, and the rein on Biden, it will become that again.

dmorehead's avatar

I agree....T**** has scared the living daylights out of me from the moment he entered the primaries in 2015. What I didn't realize was how many people would support him, for God's sake, even after all he's done ....real evil. Well, here's to a brighter future. Maybe we've learned lessons!

CobraFreek's avatar

Your 'Book Art' is nothing short of stunning! My Dad & I just glimpsed at your gallery & it's really quite impressive. BEAUTIFUL & whimsical. I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing your unique tallent. Can't imagine how much time you put in to each of these lovly masterpieces!?!? God bless & keep you in the New Year :shakebell:

dmorehead's avatar

What a lovely thing to hear !!! ...and thank you for taking the time to look at the gallery. Yes, they do take a while to do, especially if I don't know exactly what I'm doing !!!!

Pajunen's avatar

Congrats on the DD!

dmorehead's avatar

Thank you, Pajunen. I'm really delighted!!!

Asmodios's avatar

Oh! Congratulations!!!!

That's wonderful :)

dmorehead's avatar

Thank you ...I'm delighted !!!

anonymous's avatar
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