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AdventureQuest is a free fully animated single-player role playing game.

Thousands of people from all over the world play AdventureQuest! Players battle against hordes of monsters and enemies, to increase the power of their characters and obtain equipment and weapons to explore and battle ever increasingly difficult quests.

Players need nothing more than their web browser and the latest version of the Flash plugin to play. There are no long downloads to get started, and you cannot get viruses or spam email from our game.

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Copyright © 2001-2021 Artix Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
"AdventureQuest", "DragonFable", "MechQuest", "ArchKnight", "", "AdventureQuest Worlds", "Artix Entertainment", "Artix" and all game character names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. All rights are reserved.

Portals: New Games · Mini Games · Browser Games
Multiplayer: Browser MMORPG · PvP MMORPG
Single Player: Online RPG · Fantasy Dragon Game · Space Mech Game · Sci-Fi Alien Game

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