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Evil Fire Mages R Us

The mighty fire wizard Drakonnan tried to take over the world in the Great Fire War. We showed him the door... but we might not have finished him off totally. There are still rumors about him floating around...

Ninjas: Fast, Efficient Results Every Time!

The Ninja Class is one of the most popular. Ninjas of Lore have special abilities ranging from Dual Katanas, the powerful Sui-Ka, and the ultimate Ninja Deathstrike!

Need some advice? Ask Boog

Boog is the sole proprietor of his tavern in the peaceful town of Granemor. That is, if your idea of "peaceful" includes skeletal warriors and mindless zombies roaming the streets.

They call him MISTER Shadowknight

One of the scariest enemies you will find, Algern the Shadowknight dislikes anyone who is breathing. Yes, he even dislikes himself. Maybe that explains his rage.

Arachnophobia anyone?

Spiders are closely related to crabs and other unsightly critters. You will find more unsightly critters than you can sink your teeth into. (As though you'd want to sink your teeth into unsightly critters)

Does she make-- love potions?

Lucretia is the herbalist extraordinaire on Granemor, doling out potions for health and mana.
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