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Je ne suis pas un Robot

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Détails concernant le jeu

Step in getting this holiday special dress up game started and pick out the kitten you’d like to work your fashion adviser skills on and then select a new color for his fluffy fur. Pick out some crazy contacts for my kitten as well and for a complete new look, select a pair of new ears and a stuffed, long tail as well. Great job, ladies! Now let’s see which Halloween costume would best fit his new look. Dress the pet in a tutu dress or in a witch costume, in a monk costume or in a spooky ghost costume and once you’ve decided on the wining one, find the right hat or head accessory to match it up with! For a complete Halloween look, take the time needed to deal with his face make up look and then don’t forget to also select a pair of wings.

Ajouté le 24 Oct 2014
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