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X Racer is a high-speed 3D infinite racing game template.
Race at break-neck speeds through an ever-changing landscape. Collect credits as you race, then use them to purchase items in the integrated shop.

Are you ready for a real spaceship experience? Great, you are going to have so much fun with X Racer.
Test your reflexes while you are playing the game. In the game, you are driving a spaceship that goes really fast, and you are flying very low. So, try not to hit buildings in the city.
Also, you can drive into blue circles that gives you more points!
The game is getting harder you go. Watch out! The buildings are moving now.
Challenge yourself and prove that you are one of the most skillful spaceship pilot ever in the universe. Have fun with X Racer at Y8.com!

The game uses Unity WebGL technology for stunning 3D graphics in your web browser and for free.

Be the best to get your score to the top of the leaderboard!
The Y8 save feature allows you not to lose your game data.

Adăugat la: 20 Jul 2015
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