Office Games

Cubicles of Fun

Office games are a great way to escape the office without leaving the building. Just make sure your boss or the nosey coworker aren’t looking over your shoulder! We’ve got you covered with all the classic games, in appropriate office attire. 

Looking to do some racing? Try racing around this fast-paced office environment. How about improving some puzzle and strategy skills? Help Mr. Jitters reach his office at the top of the building without getting hit by an elevator in Elevatorz. And for those looking to improve your management skills, why not take a shot at being a boss and making some purchasing decisions in Box Office. Looking to escape the office? Who says you can improve golf skills only at the golf course. Try Office Mini-Golf as you improve not only your aim, but your spirits as well.

If you still haven’t had a moment of zen and your blood is seriously boiling, then we have the game to unleash your frustrations! Thinking about running away? Play Office Sneak Out instead; less risk of getting caught! Fed up with your computer freezing, or just work in general? Unload some of that anger in PC Smash, a game that lets you smash your computer, without smashing anything in the office and alerting security. Still not feeling any better? Then take the smashing to the next level in Demoman, where you demolish entire office buildings with your demolition ball. 

Attention all employees! Feeling like throwing your computer out the window? Worry not, we’ve got the games to help you have fun in the office!