About ERR News, staff and contacts ({{contentCtrl.commentsTotal}})

ERR News is public broadcaster ERR's English-language online news page, launched in August 2010.

ERR main Tallinn offices

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR)
F.R. Kreutzwaldi 14
10124 Tallinn



Follow ERR News on Facebook and Twitter.


ERR News editorial staff

Andrew Whyte, Managing Editor

Helen Wright, News Editor
Email, Twitter

Marcus Turovski, Senior Opinion Editor (half-time)

Kristjan Kallaste, Editor (half-time)

Roberta Vaino, Editor (mornings)

Aili Vahtla, Editor (on maternity leave)

ERR general contacts

(See postal address above).
Estonian website.

Phone +372 628 4100

A complete list of all ERR contacts is available here (link in Estonian).

Please note that ERR News can only relay information about Estonian Public Broadcasting's English-language service.


Readers can comment on any ERR News piece by logging-in using an Estonian ID card. We would politely request comments be in English only. ERR News reserves the right to remove comments of an abusive or defamatory nature.


Readers are also welcome to submit opinion pieces or features on any topical subject relevant to Estonia. Email: news@err.ee. Tip-offs, news and press releases can also be sent to the same email address.


If you have a complaint, in the first instance, please contact one of the editorial team above. The ethics ombudsman (eetikanõunik) can resolve more complex questions regarding balance, fair use, fair representation and other media ethics issues, and ERR has a dedicated legal team. The ethics ombudsman's email is here.

The Estonian Press Council (Pressinõukogu), an independent body, processes dozens of complaints concerning the Estonian media, public and private, each year. Their website (in Estonian) is here.

About ERR News and Estonian Public Broadcasting

ERR News was started in 2010 as an independent English-language news service under the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) umbrella. Since January 2016, ERR News has been an independent editorial team within ERR's cross-media (TV, radio, online) news department.

Part of what sets ERR apart from the private sector media is the law, independent supervisory structure and best practice it must follow. ERR News is subject to the same Best Practice (Estonian: Hea tava) that the rest of the organization must adhere to and which stems from the 2007 legal act which created ERR, as a merger of the formerly separate Estonian Radio (Eesti Raadio) and Estonian Television (Eesti Televisioon - ETV).

ETV celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2020 and public radio has been regularly broadcast in Estonia since 1926, during the time of the First Estonian Republic.

ERR is funded from the state budget, which is generally drawn up in September for approval by the end of the year, for the following year's budget.

ERR's management board chair is Erik Roose.

In addition to its own management board, ERR is supervised both by the Riigikogu's (multi-party) Cultural Affairs Committee and the Broadcasting Council (Ringhäälingu Nõukogu), made up of a panel of independent members, as well as one for each political party represented at the Riigikogu (currently five).

This means that both bodies have a multi-party line-up, and that they are neither appointed nor instructed by the Estonian government. Their task is to supervise ERR in terms of the use of its finances and resources, as well as its mission to inform the Estonian people.

The English service has two full-time editors and three half-time editors (see above), responsible for the production and publication of all information published on ERR News unless otherwise indicated (see above for information about submitting opinion or other pieces).

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