View Profile 1DarkVoid

30, Male


Flagstaff, AZ

Joined on 7/4/12

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This website sucks...

Posted by 1DarkVoid - 3 days ago

DeviantArt am I right.

Well I grab your attention and with this I have updates.

Due to my contract and license expiring tomorrow, I am finally able to break off the branch working overseas with different people with stuff in the past. I surely will get my last paycheck next week then I am off solely working on odd jobs messing with dork stuff like a nobody.

This is also good news

I will be having more personal time to make my own creativity and imagination in stuff without restrictions. With this I could focus more on myself and get some stuff done unlike my atrocious schedule in the past... In short, I will be able to finish small tasks for people, improve my art skills, and enough time to play Azur Lane off game with nerdy stuff. For the future ahead, I will be experimenting new techniques to my skills and try my hands in digital drawings for the first time than the pencil and paper norm in the past.

A Quick upate about the Azur Lane 2 creation:

The project isn't discarded and I am working on it partially between my free time. This was suppose to be submitted for Azur Lane's 2nd Anniversary for celebration of the Mobile Game. I always wanted to make something as huge and cool to do as an achievement for myself and the passion to the stuff I love.

This is my love letter for Yostar and Newgrounds for the stuff they did for me. I was hoping to get it done by the end of the year, but yeah stuff like theses takes awhile. The best words I could say is when it's done then it's done so no I am not abandoning this. It will get done eventually.

Well that's all of the statements I want to make clear and with this I hope everyone is having an awesome new year ahead! Just a reminder that I will be taking a brief rest from the operation and will return 23th Jan 2021.

Well it looks I am done here and get back to resting to full recovery.


  • 1DarkVoid

Comments (2)

What website? deviantart or newgrounds
