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Mistake. Prologue. (1)

28.12.2015 18:58, x188 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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I was running so fast, that it became hard to breathe. The branches beneath my feet snapped as loudly as they could and any my hair got stuck to the branches, which were still attached to the trees a countless times. It was difficult to run, but I had to. Before I started running, I met a wolf here. I was just taking a walk in the forest and collecting some berries, but I guess I had gone too far and gotten myself lost. Of course, as an 8 year-old child I started to cry and panic. I had no phone and the forest was huge and then suddenly a wolf came. I started to remember my parents warning me that there are evil wolves here. I had no idea what to do and I was scared, so I guess I just started running for my life. I was never a fast runner and I knew that the wolf would catch me soon. I just wanted my mom and dad to find and save me or to just wake up in my bed and knowing that it was a nightmare. But it wasn't. Soon after running I saw a house. Of course, I had heard about a house in the middle of the forest, which was supposedly haunted, but at that time, entering the house was my only option. In a hurry, I tried to open the door and thankfully, it was open. I ran inside and closed the door behind me. I pressed my back against the door and didnt move an inch. I was scared. I was scared of the wold and the house. There were a few windows and the house was quite dark. I started to cry, because I had a bad habit of imgining ghosts at a bad time, but this time I couldnt go outside. I just had to stay here. There was a door on the right side, which was open. It seemed like a kitchen and then in front of me there were stairs. I was curious of what is over there, but I didnt go. I slid myself down and sat next to the door.

I opened my eyes. Did I fall asleep? How long did I sleep? My eyes were heavy. I had cried in my sleep. Was the wolf gone? How was I gonna get back? Going back into the forest alone was a frightening thought. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. Someone started coming down from the stairs. I paniced. ''Mommy? Daddy?'' I knew it would not be them. As the steps got closer I started sobbing really loudly and stood up. I wanted to open the door, but it was closed. How? I tried more and more and more, while sobbing badly. And then the door suddenly opened. I ran outside and stopped in front of the house. I looked back and saw through my blurred eyes as the door shut itself. I just stood in place and sobbed more until I heard voices yelling my name ''Liza! and some flashlight lights. ''H-h-here...'' I yelled while hiccuping. My dad had found me. But the time in this house were probably the scariest memory I ever had.

And now, here I am. 7 years later, standing in front of this house. Again.

To be continued...

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