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Culpeo-Fox's avatar

Fox Tutorial

By Culpeo-Fox
14K Favourites
This tutorial was uploaded almost ten years ago now and looking back, there are so many things on this that i would do absolutely different/add to/completely strike out. Long story short: I'm far from satisfied with this tutorial anymore. I still refuse from deleting it since people still seem to find it helpful.

I will, however, definitely post an updated/heavily overworked version of this tutorial at some point.

besides the popular "why do you love foxes"- question, the most popular question people ask me is "can you give me tips on drawing foxes?" or something like that.

well...here we go. a long long long promised, crappy tutorial about drawing foxes. (btw. while browsing through dA i realized that there are - as always - a dozen wolf tutorials while you just rarely find good fox tutorials...bla. i love it to be a rebel :P )

cave: this tutorial doesn´t show the basics of drawing, it just give you tips about drawing foxes.

hopefully it can help you here and there....

several things i have to mention:
the poses and headshots were inspired by natural fox photographies to keep the images anatomically as correct as possible.

the photos are (c) to their much respected photographers.
unfortunately i wasn´t able to find out those. if you know some of these photographers, please tell me so i can add their names down here. thank you :)

tutorial (c) moi.

several inspiration is also taken from
"carving wolves, foxes and coyotes" by desiree hajny
and from
"der rotfuchs" by fritz koenen
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1020x7530px 6.63 MB
© 2009 - 2020 Culpeo-Fox
anonymous's avatar
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Fox528's avatar
Thank you for this
schl123's avatar
You have absolutely no Idea how helpful this is! Especially the comparison with a wolf! I already knew how a wolf worked so my foxes always looked kind of wolfish! Thank you to the moon and back again for this! :heart:
BlueFoxTheCutest's avatar
You can use unnatural colors and still make a good looking fox if the colors aren't all over the place
Greywolf-169's avatar
absolutely great tutorial :-)
NFFN2's avatar
Thanks for your tutorial, it is very helpful!! 
Azuritelol's avatar
This is so helpful! I started studying fox anatomy a few days ago, so this is very helpful!
Recoil-the-Fox87's avatar
CreeperMan0508's avatar
thank you very much for this tutorial
DeadACCNoteForNewOne's avatar
this helped me a lot! :D 
Skia's avatar
Gneffer <3

...und ganz viele Henry-Taschen 8D
NightStarss's avatar
Thank you so so so much! I really love foxes so this is super helpful for me.
TheKingof93's avatar
Skryzein's avatar
Don't say it's a crappy tutorial, this is fantastic and practical! Thank you so much for putting time and effort into it! I'm going to fav this and the one about different foxes around the world, the two of them are so, sooo useful~!
Also, I totally agree about the sparkle/too much color thing, my eyes are usually overwhelmed by those! I believe a few little and simple details are better than... That explosion of things(?).

Again, thank you very much~!
ScourgeWarriors04's avatar
I love this. I've been trying to draw foxes for a while now, and then I came across this. I agree with you on the 'sparkledog' thing--I agree with you entirely. My alter ego (I will not say fursona...I guess) is normal, just a gray tabby cat with some white. I love foxes too...I actually saved this to my computer so I could look at it later. I doubt I'll get as good as you at foxes, but, as you said (Although I hate this phrase and I've heard it WAY too many times in my life...) practice makes perfect.
Adadave's avatar
I've begun working with this. I actually decided I wanted to do Ferals more and figured learning to draw ferals would help with drawing anthros. 
Blairxm's avatar
Thanks for writing this tutorial! It's so helpful!
Pandora-The-WolfFox's avatar
foxes are my fave animal XD
IceFoxSilverIces's avatar
AHHHHH!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! I love Fox so much...!!!! Thanks!! This is very helpful!!!
iLOEyoy's avatar
I love foxeeees!!!
Prince-of-Erebus's avatar
'I don't believe in talent, but in a huge portion of hard work'

Can you be anymore German?  ;)

Thanks for the tutorial though.
fearfox345's avatar
Thank you this will help me with drawing 3\4 faces
ShumaiAxeman's avatar
This was indeed helpful. Thank you sir :D
Saliona93's avatar
Ahw this is very helpful and so nicley done, thank you very much! :)
anonymous's avatar
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