Shockwave Help

Contact Shockwave

We love to hear from our friends! Use this email form to provide feedback and ask questions not covered by our FAQ pages. Be sure to fill out all of the fields before submitting your question.

  1. If you have purchased a game from Shockwave (except the Mobile Store — see #2), but you have lost your game registration email and need to unlock your downloaded game, please click here to have your game registration emails sent to you again.
  2. For questions about Shockwave Minis, use the contact form below.
  3. If you are receiving a "Failed to contact" message when entering your key or Shockwave UNLIMITED sign-in information, please visit our FAQ pages.
  4. To manage your Shockwave UNLIMITED subscription, please click here.
  5. For answers to other common questions, please visit our FAQ pages.
  6. If you have a question about the Adobe Shockwave and Flash Players, please contact Adobe's support center directly at:
  7. If you have a business-related question about Shockwave or Shockwave UNLIMITED, please use the email form here.
  8. Please read our Privacy Policy for details on how AG Media protects your personal information.

For all other questions, please use the form below. It's important that you submit your question only once. You'll soon receive a confirmation from us letting you know that we got your message.

  • Your Contact Information

  • Examples: Zuma, Collapse II, Bookworm.

  • Example: 1836942 — this can be found in your
    store order confirmation email.

  • Please provide as much information as possible about your request.
    The more detail you provide, the better our ability to assist you.

  • Submit Cancel