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postitas: RedVampireGirl - 19.12.2010, , loetud: 1005x

Siin siis minu lemmikud aforismid. Pliis ärge copige !! Head lugemist !

* Tired of trying, sick of crying, yeah i'm smiling but inside i'm dying!
* I love your smile , your face , your eyes . Damn , I'm good at telling lies!
* Kind , intelligent , loveing and hot ; this describes everything you are not !
* I'm not A bitch, I'm THE bitch.
* Do you know the meaning of ABCDEFG?A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl reverse the meaning of GFEDCBA Girls Forget Everything Done & Catches boy again.
* Otsisin armastust, leidsin sõpruse. Otsisin iha, leidsin lootuse. Otsisin reaalsust, leidsin unistused. Otsisin ahvi ja leidsin sinu.
* Sinu hauakivile raiutakse kaks kuupäeva , mida loevad sinu sõbrad , aga ainuke asi , mis tegelikult loeb on kahe kuupäeva vahel olev kriipsuke.
* Fool me once , shame on you . Fool me twice , shame on me .
* Roses are red, violets are blue, i have five fingers, the middle one's for you.
* It is funny how someone can break your heart into million little pieces and you still love him with all these pieces .
* Üks päev päike ütles mulle, kui su armastus on iga päev nii kaugel ja sul on nii palju probleeme, mis sind nutma ajavad, miks sa teda maha ei jäta? Ma vaatasin päikesele otsa ja küsisin, kas sa jätaksid oma taeva?
* Armastus on nagu liblikas peos, kui liiga õrnalt hoiad, siis läheb lendu, kui liiga tugevalt hoiad siis puruneb.
* Love is like in heaven, but it can hurt like hell.
* You may think : He's cute, He's fine. But guess what, bitch, He's mine !
* Ma ei taha tõde, see on kibedam kui viin.
* Kui sinu juurde tuleb paks, valge habeme ja punase kitliga mees ja hakkab sind kotti toppima, siis ära karda - sel aastal soovisin jõuludeks sind!
* Damn right I'm good in bed - I can sleep for days.
* It is so easy to break a heart.
* Nobody's perfect,Everybody makes mistakes...You live and you learn it!
* I wasn't born a bitch, guys made me this way.
* Kui miski ei aita, siis restart ikka aitab.
* Kes sa enda arust oled? Tuled, lõhud ja lähed. Kuradi hästi arvad endast.
* Kui sa siia ilma sündisid, siis kõik naersid ja sina nutsid, ela oma elu nii , et kui ära sured naeratad sina ja kõik teised nutavad .
* Parim kink, mida võid anda, on kallistus: üks suurus sobib kõigile ja kellelgi ei ole kunagi midagi selle vastu, kui selle tagastad.
* Can I have your picture so I could show santa what I want for christmas?
* Ainus asi, mis mulle sinu juures ei meeldi, on see, et sa pole minu.
* Ära oota kuni tunneli lõpus süttib valgus, marsi sinna ja süüta see kuramuse asjandus ise.
* Do you know what the wor ''#!?!#'' means ?
''F'' forever love you ,
''U'' unhappy without you ,
''C'' care about you ,
''K'' kiss you .
so i ''#!?!#'' you .
* Maailma lõpus on kohvik, kus kunagi kohtume kõik.
* I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
* When life give you hundred reasons to cry , show life, that you have thousand reasond to smile.
* Ärge kunagi selgitage. Teie sõbrad ei vaja seda ja teie vaenlased ei usu seda niikuinii.
* Esimese armastuse pettus õpetab tütarlastele mängima poiste südametega.
* Maybe i don't have the blonde hair you like, Or maybe i don't have eyes like the sky, and i'm not sure if i'm the girl in your dreams, but atleast i'm not pretending to be somebody else !
* Guys are like stars, there are million of them but only one can make your dreams come true
* Unustada inimest, keda armastad on sama, mis mäletada inimest, keda iial näinud pole.
* Tüdrukud ei kaota kunagi, kaotajateks on poisid, kes jäävad ilma imelistest tüdrukutest.
* Elame nii, et eilset ei olnud ja homset ei tule !
* Aeg möödub . isegi siis , kui see näib võimatu . isegi siis , kui iga sekundiosuti samm teeb haiget nagu tuikav haav . aeg möödub ebaühtlaselt , jääb vahetevahel venima ja viivlema , aga siiski möödub.
* "Lootus sureb viimasena,"ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.
* Someday you will cry for me, like i cried for you. Someday you will miss me, like i missed you. Someday you will need me, i like needed you. Someday you will love me, but i wont love you.
*I love you walking in the rain because noone knows i'm crying.
* Kui saaks, annaks armastusele oma telefoni numbri.
* Ära ütle talle, et sa ei saa temata elada, kui sa ei suuda tema eest surra.
* Mu süda on nagu linnumuna, kui hoiad ja pigistad, seda on raske katki teha, kuid siis kui pillad
see ei saa kunagi endisex.
* Öeldes : "Ma armastan sind" sa annad ta südamele lootust, millex tappa see lootus sõnadega : "Ma armastan teda".
Öeldes : "Mine ära!" sa salaja loodad, et ta kutsub sind endaga kaasa.
* Ütle talle oma kõige haigemad unistused, mis on seotud temaga & see teeb teie armastust tugevamaks.
* Mõni kord kaks sõna : "Mine ära!" on hullemad ning valusamad kui enesetapp.
* Räägitakse, et lapse suu ei valeta, mida siis mina teen igal õhtul "raamatukokku" minnes?!
* "Meie vahel on KÕIK läbi" - need sõnad on põhjustanud rohkem hirmu, surma ja masendust kui terroristid.
* Teismelised ongi need pärdikud, kes arvavad, et suits, narkootikumid ja alkohol ei tee neile viga.. nüüd vanemad mõelge, kust kohast nad pärisid enda mõistust.
Kui kutsud mind nii : "Hey sina!", siis saad sellist vastust: "Käi sinna!"
* Tüdrukud on tehtud suhkrust & puuviljadest ning poisid on tehtud piiritusest.. Teeme veini??
* Elu võib olla nii ülilühike kui ka väga pikk ja see ei sõltu mitme aastaseks sa elad, see sõltub sellest mida ja kui palju sa teed.
* Elu sinuta on naq külaliste ees suhkruta tee joomine,, jood,, sest tead,, et pead seda tegema.. kui vastik see ka poleks.
* Öeldes : Unusta kõik see,, mis meie vahel oli ära! .. sa kinnitad kõike seda ta mällu igaveseks.
* Damn right , everyone sees , that U R fckn' hot , but only I see , that U R just a peace of sh.it .. nothing special , just true .
* Even heaven is hell without you.
* Sõprus on kui kuiv koridor keset vihmasadu.
* Ega suvi pole naljaasi - sest hernes tahab keppi , till tõuseb, redis läheb kõvaks , kartul tahab panemist a kurk kiletamist.
Tõelised sõbrad eu hooli su puudustest ja ei kadesta su edu.
* Sõpru ei saa valida riietuse a välimuse järgi , sõpru tuleb alati valida iseloomu ja sisemuse järgi .
* Sõbrad on kalliskivid , mis maha kukkudes võivad kergesti puruneda .
* Sõprus on nagu õrn taim , mis ei vaja õhtu , vett , päikest ega mulda vaid usaldust.
* Kerge on surra sõbra ees , aga raske leida sõpra kelle eest surra .
* Kes lakkab olemast sõber , polnud seda kunagi .
* Sõprus on kui pärl , kerge purustada , raske parandada.
* Kõige hullem viis kedagi igatseda on olla tema kõrval ja teada , et sa ei saa teda kunagi .
* Sorri , ma olen hirmunud , et pillasin su südame maha.
* Naeratus ei maksa midagi kuid loeb palju .
* Palju parem on unustada ja naerda , kui mäletada ja olla kurb .
* Naer on miski , mis avab südame ja paneb mõtlema , kui palju on elu väärt.
* Naer läbi pisarate on õpitud oskus .
* Naeratus annab tagasi sulle selle , mille võtsid sult pisarad.
* Suitsetamine kahjustab tervist , juua on mõtetu , aga tervena surra oleks kahju .
* Elu on nagu sibul , mida kooritakse nuttes .
* Vahel tuleb lihtsalt ära joosta et näha kes järgi tulevad .
* Elu on õun mis saab otsa , ilma , et sa seda nautinud oleksid .
* Armastus on teineteise kaisus kaitset otsides vihmavarju all seismine , ka pärast seda , kui sadu on juba lõppenud .
* Teadlased võivad sellest , et armastus on looduse seatud lõks , kirjutada nii palju raamatuid kui tahavad ... Aga oma jutuga suudavad nad veenda ainult teisi teadlasi , mitte armunud naisi .
* Kõike , mida ma mõistan , mõistan ainult tänu armastusele .
* Armastus ei ole üksteisele otsa vaatamine , vaid väljapoole vaatamine , üheskoos ja ühes suunas .
* Armastust ei saa ära anda , sest ta tuleb su juurde tagasi .
* Kes armastavad , ei saa kunagi vanaks , nad võivad küll vanadusse surra , aga nad surevad noorelt .
* Meie armastus on nagu uduvihm , mis sajab tasa , aga tõstab jõe üle kallaste .
* Armastus on seisund , mille puhul teise inimese õnn on sinu õnne jaoks määrava tähtsusega.
* Hope is a walking dream.
* I wished you were something you were not .
* Fly away , that's not hurt me any more.
* So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do.
* You're my everything, that i could ever dream of.
* A smile can change the world.
* True love is like a tattoo... It hurts when it bleeds but it feels good within and lasts forever till the end of our time .
* I Belive In My Dreams & I'm Gonna Catch Them ... !
* love is to give all you can and expect to get nothing back
* Who are you to judge the life I live?
* I know I'm not perfect , and I don't live to be .
* But before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!
* Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
* Some girls are made of sugar and and spice, my girls are made of vodka and ice !
* I'm breaking down I just can't take it anymore.
The letters start with ABC, numbers start with 123, and love starts with you and me.
* If a woman tells you she’s twenty and looks sixteen, she’s twelve. If she tells you she’s twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she’s damn near forty.
* My dreams are so beautiful, they're so wonderful. Oh right, because you were in them.
* Whenever you're with someone else, I feel so guilty. Because I never gave my best than that someone else did.
* Don't think of me as if I'm desperate, I'm just showing my love for you. That love is to give you everything and make you feel as if you're the only person in this world.
* Things are always complicated, they always make me feel so stupid. When I'm with you, you always give an idea. That idea is for me to love you more.
* I'd rather have the most disgusting things you gave me than having wonderful things from someone that I really don't love.
* I may say mean words to you. I may do things that you don't like that much. At least I was here for you through good and bad times.
* Just because I'm losing , doesn't mean I'm LOST !
* I guess i just got tired of always being the last thing on your mind.
* Everything happens for a reason .
* I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had .
* I'm so close to tears .
* The best things in life , aren't things .
* People always tell me to follow my dreams , so thats why i follow u .
* A smile is always in style .
* Love the person who saw u when u were invisible .
* Live for the moment , not the memory .
* I'm trying to leave the memories of u behind .
* Life won't suck if u won't let it .
* I can feel u in my life .
* Live life with no regrets .
* If I could punch you without getting in trouble, believe me, I would.
* Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything .
* You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump.
* So if you really love me come on and let it show.
* I love you. Maybe a little too much…
* Time changes everything, even you and i have changed.
* Waiting for hours, days and years to come, when you come to me and say, "I love you".
* If there are two rules to remember when asking a questions..
first: “do not ask question if you’re not prepared to hear the answer”..
and ..
second:” do not ask questions if you refuse to believe the answer”
* There are two reasons why we can’t talk about something: one, if it means NOTHING or two, if it means EVERYTHING
* When I first saw u, I was afraid to meet u, When I first met you, I was afraid hold u, When I held u, I was afraid kiss u, When I kissed u, I was afraid love u, Now that I love u, I afraid to lose u!
* I cried today, not because I miss you or even wanted you, but because I finally realized I'm gonna be alright without you.
* Drinking doesn't solve your problems, it will give you interesting new ones.
* My life, my rules, my problems.
* Maybe, it's time to let go..
* The truth may hurt but your lies kill me.
* When will all this pain just go away?
* It hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you can't have them in your arms.
* And I cry, tears of hate, tears of pain, tears of lost love, tears for something I know I will never get back!
* You'll always be that part of my life heart that no one will touch.
* Thinking of you is easy- I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away.
* True love is when you shed a tear and still want him. It's when he ignores you and you still love him. It's when he loves another but you still smile and say: " I'm happy for you." When all you really do is cry and cry.
* 3 words, 8 letters - say it and i'm yours
* I'm not a complite idiot , some parts are missing .
* Life is like a dick - when it gets hard #!?!# it .
* I rock , you suck , end of story .
* Please go away , i'm allergic to losers .
* Life is like a farm , one wrong step , and you are in deep shit .
69. Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak;sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go !
* Without friendship life has no sweetness.
* Life is a journey and love is what makes the journey worthwhile.
* One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
* Good friends are angels on earth.
* If you see someone without smile,give them one of yours.
* True friends fill your life with joy,your soul with sunshine and your heart with love.
* You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince.
* Many people walk in and out of our lives,only true friends will leave footprints in our hearts.
* Tears are words from heart that cant be spoken.
* Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
* I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
* You can live in your dreams, but one day you need wake up and step in to real world!!
* Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that takes our breath away!
* True friendship never ends !
* if love is the answer , can you please repeat the question ?
* You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot live without.
* If we get all we want.. then, do we really want what we get?
God don't kill, people do that.
* Now i can see, how fake he can be.
* Oh No! The Electricity Is Out, We'll Have To Watch TV By Candlelight.
* A wise girl kisses but does not love, listens but does not believe &
leaves before she is left.
*And when you start to missing me..remember..you were the one, who let me go.
* As you left and said your good-byes, you forgot to tell my heart how to live without you.
* I would die for you.
* Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
* Every girl deserves to feel good about herself, and see how beautiful she really is..
* Every morning he tells me I'm gorgeous. I am actually starting to believe him...
* Everyone's going to hurt you sooner or later, you just have to decide who's worth going through the pain.
* A best friend is the one who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still know some things wrong..
* Girls have unique magic tricks, they get wet without water, bleed without injury, and make boneless things hard.
* I know I'm not easy to love, but could you try anyway ?
* If you can't get someone out of your head, then maybe they are supposed to be there.
* You wanted perfect , you got your perfect . Now I'm too perfect for someone like you..
* You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it.
* Angels exist, only sometimes they don't have wings and then we call them friends.
* Friends are angles, who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble rememberring how to fly.
* Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
* We don't know the value of our moments until they have become a memory.
* The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by heart .
* Kui midagi tundub olevat nihu, siis see võib olla ka meelepete. Aga kui miski tundub olevat kahtlane - siis paraku kahtlane ta ongi.
* Ära taha olla see, kes sa ei ole, vaid ole see, kes olema pead ning avastad peagi, et olid see, kes olla tahtsid...
* Mida rohkem sa midagi vihkad, seda rohkem oled sellega seotud ning mida rohkem sa midagi armastad, seda vabam sa sellest oled!
* People don't change, they just become more of what they really are

Märksõnad: aforismid  sad  love 

Kommentaarid (2)

eputis (11.06.2012 07:46)
Taiega hea ju !



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