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Teema: Lühijutud / Muinasjutud

Girl and a mosquito♥ (6)

08.01.2013 17:19, x194 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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Once upon a time there lived a girl named Bella. Bella was no ordinary girl. She was special. The girl didn't like this world. She didn't like ordinary things. She wanted something new.
One day after school Bella was sit.ting outside on a bench when suddenly a mosquito landed on her leg. She thought it would be wonderful if she had a boyfriend like that. "If only you could talk..." she whispered.
Surprisingly the mosquito looked her in the eye and said :"What if i could talk? Of course i can talk! Hi, my name is Edward."
Bella was speechless. This is what she has been looking for all her life. All this time she has not been wasting her time. Who could have thought she was not insane! "Hi Edward, my name is Bella."
"Oh Bella. What a lovely name. I can see you are a believer," Edward said and flew on her nose. "I guess this is really weird for you, huh?"
"Well yes, i mean no. You have no idea how long i have waited for you!" Bella was full on excitement and almost forgot her father inside. She had to lower her voice. "Meet me again tomorrow, same place, same time."
For the next couple of months they met there every day. Bella and Edward fell in love and it was time for Edward to meet her dad. It was a really hard thing to decide because love between a girl and a insect is quite unusual.
"Dad, can we talk?" Bella said nervously.
"Of course honey. What is on your mind?" he said and sat down with Bella.
"Dad, i have a boyfriend..."
"Well that is wonderful! When are you going to introduce him to me?"
"Today... But, dad, he is not like the other boys..."
While Bella was talking, Edward landed on her leg. Dad saw the mosquito and slapped it hard. It killed Edward instantly.
"NO!" Bella screamed.
And till this day Bella is still looking for a new insect boyfriend because normal boys are just too mainstream.

Autori kommentaar »

Trololoo. Selliseid asju räägin ma endale unejutuks öösiti :// Haha. Kommige ikka palju, kasvõi negatiivselt aga vajan tagasisidet!

Teavita ebasobivast sissekandest!




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Nii kurb lõpp


Mõni ei saa äkki inglise keelest niipalju aru :] Pead sellega arvestama , aga kurb lõpp tõesti :'( !


To Saaraleenu: Tean ja et kõik inglise keelt ei mõista aga mulle meeldib nii rohkem kuigi kindlasti miljon viga


ei oska inglisekeelt nii palju


ropult cool story. pastaka said! =)


Ooo tänan ;]

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