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Teema: Järjejutud / Armastus

Don't Go To sleep 2 (0)

03.02.2013 11:07, x206 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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      Rose gasped and let go of the orb in shock. Instead of dropping heavily down onto the bed as she expected it to, the light within burst into life again the moment it left her fingers, and floated upwards to hover around the dark candelabra. She stared up at it, wide-eyed and fearful, still not quite believing what she saw. Am I actually awake? Or am I having one of those dreams where you think you wake up but you don’t really, and then you DO wake up? Her head spun in confusion and she shut her eyes tight, hoping that when she opened them, she’d be properly awake and everything would be back to normal. But the orb remained, its light penetrating even her strongly clamped eyelids.“Nngh…Rose…what are you doing?” grunted the Doctor, and Rose jumped violently. She had almost forgotten he was there, let alone the fact he was so close, warm hand still resting on her thigh. It seemed like so long ago she had fallen asleep, yet she guessed the dream had only lasted for a few minutes. But no matter how confused she felt, how scared, how worried; she knew the Doctor could help. She’d witnessed him save the Earth so many times from all manner of strange alien creatures, watched him go through more pain than any human…she’d even seen his pants. And - unlike most doctors - he worked evenings and weekends, too.“Doctor…” she began shakily. “Something is very, very wrong


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2 osa siis. Kriitikaat. 11991 tähte ;)

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