Welcome to Popmundo

Popmundo is an online role-playing game and community where the players strive for fame in a virtual music industry.

You start the game as a complete nobody with nothing but your hopes and dreams. You can practice your music, play a few gigs, and begin to build a fanbase. Play your cards right and you'll soon be touring the world, cutting chart-topping records, and leaving a wake of tantalizing scandals behind you!

The game is played in real time and the game keeps on going even when you're not logged in. Success in the game is determined by careful strategy and good timing, not by constant online presence. It's perfectly possible to be successful in the game by logging in a couple of times a week to check up on things.

Popmundo is free of charge and no downloads are necessary to play it. If you can read this you're good to go.

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Latest Community News

Breaking News!
Server time12/15/2020

Earlier this morning reports of a sleigh falling from the skies someplace in Norway started appearing on social media. Norwegian authorities have issued a statement saying Santa must retrieve his broken transport immediately or they'll have it confiscated a month from now.

Former mayor of Oslo, Melvin Stjärnblom, is not too concerned about the fate of Christmas when asked about the incident. Instead he would like to direct everyone's attention to the availability of this year's Special Christmas Packages.

Happy holidays everyone!

Festival Update!
Server time12/3/2020

The 20th Popmundo Festival is now open for everyone to join as long as they've played a terrific show within the last two game years. Click here for more information. Please check out the revised rules before joining, you don't want to miss out on anything important like how it's easier than ever to earn the "Played in the Festival" achievement.

See you in Izmir!

20% extra when buying credits now!
Server time11/30/2020

From now on until Server time12/15/2020, 9:00 AM you will receive an extra 20% worth of credits for the regular price when purchasing credits or activating a prepaid code for a credit package. This means that the small package now contains 1200 credits and the large package is bursting at the seams with 2400 credits. During this time some rare special item packages will be available for purchase. You also get a couple of snowballs to pelt your friends with when buying credits, or VIP, during this time. Nothing says happy holidays like hurling a snowball at a loved one!

Hurry! You only have a little over two weeks to shower yourselves in credits.