Contact Us

Customer Support

For account, payment, technical, and game help: visit our Help Center.

General Information

Write us at

Artix Entertainment, LLC
PO BOX 2005
Land O' Lakes, Fl. 34639


Artix Entertainment, LLC
16506 Pointe Village Dr.
Suite 201
Lutz, Fl, 33558

Marketing, Media, & Business Opportunities

Dan Vasile
SVP, Business Development

Products & Operations

PJ Beemer Renehan
Chief Operating Officer

Artix Careers

Visit our Careers Page for open job positions and calls for player testers/moderators. 

Due to the current situation, we have temporarily suspended tours of Artix Entertainment's Secret Underground Lab. Check back, we will remove this notice when tours reopen!

Guest Tours

We always enjoy meeting our players, but have a limited amount of time and space. Tours are typically 30-45 minutes long and are available Tuesday - Thursday afternoons, depending on the developers’ schedules. For more information, please contact us by email.

Artix Social Media Adventure Quest 3D New DungeonBorne Bio Beasts Undead Assault