AQWorlds Wiki

AQWorlds Wiki

The Official AQW Encyclopedia Wiki


As Flash will no longer be supported on browsers after the end of 2020, please download the Artix Games Launcher to continue your adventures playing AdventureQuest Worlds created with Flash! Artix Entertainment has future proofed all of their Flash games so they can be played without using a browser.


This is an AE first! We have decided to host the Encyclopedia on a wiki, instead of on the Battleon Forums, as the format of the wiki makes it easy to navigate. We hope you enjoy this and find it useful.

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This is a Wiki, that means that you can help out.

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Other Information

When editing an entry, please sum up your edit in the short description of changes box, this makes it far easier for all of us. Also, take your time with your edits and double check your work. Remember, it's not a competition, it's a service to help AE and the AQW community. Thanks and have fun editing!

Any unreleased information or information gathered through cheating will NOT be tolerated. If anyone does publish such information in any way or form, they will lose their ability to post on this wiki. Please also DO NOT publish staff-only items.

This wiki was last updated by AcrolousAcrolous 05 Jan 2021 12:57.
11 Mar 2009 03:00


November 30th, 2020

ApusApus: The wiki team has been working with the AQW devs to get a new map, Wiki Pic up to help with taking pictures for the wiki using the Launcher. We encourage everyone to please use the new map for pictures. Thanks!

DarkfirekillerDarkfirekiller: Boost tags on AQWWiki are no longer +boost

Damage tags are now xdmg2type instead of +dmg2type (ex: xdmg2monsters)
Gold/xp tags are now typeboost instead of +type (ex: goldboost)

Consequentially, you can now search for multiple boosts (with OR) with Search Items By Tag.
For example, default damage bows that are gold boost OR xpboost can be searched by using:
"+bow +defaultdmg goldboost xpboost"

rickyb20rickyb20: I've recently been made aware of a few incidents of blank wiki pages showing up in Google's search results, which is caused whenever a page has been recently renamed to a new URL. Fortunately, the issue is temporary and the search results will update with the new page name after a couple days.

If you're experiencing this, please feel free to DM me with the name of the page that you're looking for and I can look into locating that page for you.

rickyb20rickyb20: Our homepage has gotten a slight makeover, credit to ShatteredRealityShatteredReality for the new layout!

rickyb20rickyb20: Our Furniture and Other House Items index pages have now been merged into one index page, now called Floor Items. From now on, when creating a wiki page house floor item, please use the "housefloor" tag and parent the page to the "Floor Items". This change has been long overdue, hopefully this makes distinguishing house floor items easier for everyone!

ApusApus: Hello everyone, this is a notice that the definition of the "backitem" tag has been updated to as follows:

this is an item for the back that doesn't fit the other "cape" tags (which are backfollower, backpack, backrider, backrune, backweapon, cape, and wings)

Starting from today, any back item page with the following tags listed above will no longer use the backitem tag and existing pages with backitem and one of the tags above will be having the backitem tag removed from the page. Please take note of the new definition. Please feel free to ask me or another wiki staff member if there are any questions. Thank you!

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License