This game is awesome!
especaily for a game made in MX. The reason for it being so slow is because whenever you play a flash game, flash player has to convert the script from AS into proper code, newer versions are much faster! if you put this into a newer version of flash then you could speed it up dramaticaly! Good game, the storyline is awesome the art is cool, and the "secret in the locker" was the highlicht of my day, the puzzles were a tad too hard for my liking but the rest of the game was awesome. The level layout and the way things were set up was fantastic and very proffesional, almost like a proper video game! Apart from a few glitchs (especaily the elevator) the script is awesome. I think you should update the flash, export it from a newer lash version, redo a some of the crapper art and then resubmit it, that whould be awesome!
If your planning to make a third then let me know because that whould be awesome!