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Witch one r U ?

postitas: darck-ness - 22.06.2009, , loetud: 350x

See test on inimese omaduste kohta, et teada saada millise mütoloogilise elukaga sa kõige rohkem sarnaned.
Vaja on head inglise keele oskust, ja testi lõpuks kui on vastatud loed kokku millise olendi kastikeses on kõige rohkem x-e . X tähistab selle omaduse omaksvõtmist , ja x -i märgid kastikesse kui arvad et see käib sinu kohta. Lõpuks kirjuta välja palju punkte sa iga olendi kohta said, 1x = 1p
Postita ankeet kommentaaridesse : D

[x] You are rather wild, and let your instincts run you.
[ ] You get drunk a lot.
[x] Bravery and boldness is second nature to you.
[ ] You have a deep love for astronomy and the universe (not deep, but I like phylosophy about for example planets, universe, etc.)
[x ] You like to read your daily horoscope.
[x ] You have a high level of pride in yourself.
[x] In the woods is the best place for you to be.
[ ] You are spiritual.
[ ] The horse is your favorite animal.
[x ] You are possessive and territorial.
Total: 6

[ ] Your ears are slightly pointed at the tips (be honest!).
[ ] You are very intelligent.
[x] Your five senses are extremely keen.(hmmm...not extremly but more than normaly I think)
[x] Your weight is quite a bit lighter than the average person at your particular height.
[ ] You always wear elegant clothes and speak as politely as possible.
[x] You are most at peace when you are gazing at something beautiful, like nature.(not only in that moments)
[ ] You look very young for your age.
[x ] You rarely get sick.(no, it's somethnig opposite xD :
[ ] You are a very hard worker. (Sometimes xO)
[ ] Above all other superpowers, you would love to read minds or see the future. (nah, be honest; that can't be fun, knowing what they think about you or how you should die ! xO)
Total: 4

[ ] You are excellent with crafts and handiwork.
[x] In social situations, you tend to be a little awkward.(I HAVE A SOCIOPHOBIA!)
[ ] You are short for your age.
[ ] You are an isolationist.
[ ] You love to play practical jokes on people.
[x ] You are extremely fascinated with jewelry.
[x ] You look older than your age.
[x] You love the woods and the mountains.(I LOVE NATURE!)
[ ] You are well off, or come from a family that is well off.
[ x] You have a hot temper.
Total: 5

[ ] You are best at talking bad about people behind their backs and not to their face.
[x ] When you are annoyed, you will go to some extent to torment whoever did so to you.
[ ] You often take things that aren't yours.
[ ] You are easily angered. (NEVER!)
[x] Death fascinates you.(It depends...In which meaning...)
[x ] You are female, or a feminine-looking man.
[ ] You associate yourself with the wind element. (maybe a bit, but it's not my main element)
[x ] You can switch quickly between your light and dark side(dark? no...)
[ ] You love to trick others.
Total: 4

Mermaid or Merman:
[x] You love the beach more so because of the water than the shore itself.
[ ] Fish are some of the most beautiful creatures to you.
[ ] The ultimate superpower to you would be to breathe underwater.(no so ultimate but it'll be very helpful xP)
[ ] You enjoy looking at ships, but not riding them, as well as you like ships for traveling, not hunting in the sea. (?)
[x ] You are good at swimming.(2 seconds and i sink xD)
[ ] You like to collect shells.
[ ] You use sea items as jewelry or decoration.
[ ] You enjoy learning about the ocean and the life inside it.(if it means about for example sea animals, then yes xp)
[x] You are extremely against ocean pollution, and someday, perhaps (if you haven't already), you will work to stop that.
[ ] Legs on land are not as important as a fin in the sea.(lol xD)
Total: 3

[x] You're a night person. (of course)
[x] You have a fascination with blood. (xDDDD I love blood :
[x ] You are pale.
[ ] You wish you had a bat as a pet. (maybe not as a pet but bats are ones of my fav animals xD)
[x ] You are not religious at all. (I'm VERY religious...)
[x] Tight spaces are not scary or uncomfortable for you.
[ ] The sun's glare annoys you all too often (I very don't like sun...)
[ ] You hate food with lots of garlic in it.
[ ] To you, a kiss on the neck is more romantic than a kiss on the cheek or lips.
[ ] You don't like sharp objects near you.
Total: 5

[x] The full moon is the most beautiful scene to you. (one of milions xD)
[ ] You have a lot of body hair. (xDDDDDDD)
[ ] The ability to shapeshift is the best superpower to you.(one of bests xD)
[ ] You prefer gold over silver items.(both colors are nice xD)
[x ] You lack self control. (lol xD, maybe if I'm insane but I am able to control me... I had a Demon and I don't let him to control me...Why Demon had a Demon? xD)
[x] You find it easier to have sympathy for animals than for humans. (of course)
[x] You have a deep respect for wolves and wild dogs. (wolves yes... it's very best animals xD)
[x] You like to be alone. (I'm lone wolf...)
[ ] You have a terrible secret and you only tell people you trust 100% about it(I tell it nobody... I trust almost nobody... and even if I trust, I don't tell my secrets...)
[x] You'd rather be outdoors than indoors.
Total: 6

[ ] You love chemistry.(of course xD)
[x] You are intuitive and good at analyzing people, to the point that people seriously or jokingly say you're psychic(I liek psychology xD)
[ ] The most amazing supernatural power to you is controlling the elements.(one of many)
[x] You are a nature lover.(of course)
[ ] You have a strong sense of responsibility (you use your talents positively)
[x] You spend a lot of time alone. (of course...)
[] You usually hang around with a certain animal all the time when you feel lonely. (Don't have any pets but animals are my friends and I like to be with their)
[] You are spiritual, but not necessarily religious.(I'm spiritual and religous xD)
[ ] Cooking is one of your favorite things to do.(I can't cook xD only about 5 meals...xD)
[ ] You enjoy learning about Wicca and the occult.
Total: 3

[x] You are pale.
[] You are hungry a lot.
[ ] Many activities you do every day make you feel mindless, or like a drone.
[ ] Most of the time you or a part of you is cold.
[ ] You love to eat meat. ( I hate meat -__- )
[ ] You would resort to cannibalism if that was the only source of food.
[ ] You make grunts and moans a lot (such as when you're tired, are annoyed, etc.) (don't understand ;/)
[ ] You enjoy learning about psychology because you study the brain(Psychology is very interesting... And it's one of way if You want to know about people's kind of thinking and mind)
[ ] You usually walk slow.(lol... everyone tell me I'm too fast...-.-' xD)
[x] You are not afraid of seeing a lot of blood or getting a lot of blood on yourself.(I like blood...)
Total: 2

6: Werewolf, Centaur

5 :Vampire, Gnome/Dwarf:

4 : Elf, Harpy/Siren

3 : Witch , Merman/Mermaid

2 : Zombie

Märksõnad: Mütoloogia test. 

Kommentaarid (1)



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