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Teema: Lühijutud / Armastus

Accidentally in Love (2)

01.02.2015 19:37, x282 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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Nico's POV:
I simply walked out but stopped as I heard laughing. I looked around and see Percy talking to Annabeth bit farther. They were sitting on a fench and it looks like they are really having fun. I stare at them and frown. It kinda hurts to see him with her. I know they had got along well and everything but that was enough. I almost went back inside when they kissed. And that feeling was the worst I ever had. I felt the pain taking over my body. When they stopped Annabeth planted one more quick kiss on his cheek and ran away happily. I walked to the other direction briskly.

Percy's POV:
I didn't want to do that. Talking to her seemed weird as my heart belonged to someone else. As she kissed me again I tried to kiss back and I think she liked it. When she finally lefy I sighed. Then I turned to go too but notice Nico running-or almost running-awayy. 'Did he see what happened?' I thought and walk after him, maybe that sounds stalkerish but I had to see what he's going to do. After few houses and field he sat down next to a wall that was full of graffity. He didn't seem very good.

Nico's POV:
I sit down against the wall. And the feeling took me over. It would be much easier to be dead. I took out my sword and raise it to my wrist. I thought a few moments and pushed it on my veins but let the sword fall on the ground. I was too weak to do it. And nobody would even notice when I would be gone...I closed my eyes as a single tear rolls down my cheek but I wiped it away fast.

After sitting there I don't know how long but I stood up. I almost turn around when I heard footsteps behind me. I froze and stood there, having one thousand thoughts about who it could be. ''What's the matter?'' I hear a whisper in my ear and he turns me around. I look him into his gorgerous green eyes. He looked into mine's and I had the strange feeling like he would see inside me, to all the demons and feelings. But that couldn't be possible. ''What do you want?'' I took a deep breath. ''I know how you feel'' he said and grabbed my sleeve when I was trying to walk off '' Just listen'' he sighed ''I didn't mean to do that'' he said and lift his hand into mine, interlocking our fingers. That felt strange, but I didn't mind. I was just shocked. ''Yes I know you were watching us'' he simply said. ''But that wasn't my choice. We will never make out. My heart belongs to someone else'' he looked down now. I blushed hard ''What do you mean by 'Someone else'?'' My voice was shaking. ''I like you, Nico'' he whispered. ''I-I like you too'' I stuttered.

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Aww . It was very interesting story


Wow, thanks. I thought this place is like so empty nobody visits it. But yeah. Tysm

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