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Should the press write about famous people? - kooli essee (1)

14.05.2014 20:21, x144 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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We all know the famous people – we see them in the magazines, on TV and even on the advertisement papers. A lot of them are our idols and inspiration, but should the press talk about their personal life or make up a scandal?
Famous people, as well as we, are still just people who live their lives through days. And quite a lot of times, the things they do, end up in the magazine or news site. Is it positive or negative? If they write about good stuff – like Jared Leto had an amazing and inspirational Oscars speech – then I think it is positive, they show a certain celebrity in the good light. But when they write things like – Jared Leto is Angelina Jolie’s secret lover (which is not true) - then I think they are negative. It is not the news, it is the lie they put on the website or paper.
But why do they make up the lies? It is very simple really. People want something to talk about, something to gossip about, it is like a living drug which flows past all of us. In schools, students even gossip about their classmates, because it seems that nowadays we have nothing else to talk about. And press and the students, drag us all in the spiral of lies and stories. I have to confess, that I too sometimes talk about gossip or things like that. But in reality, it is not very good. We all slander about certain people and it is not fair to the person who is the main topic in our everyday lives.
And a lot of news are stupid, which show famous people’s actions and most of the times, the behavior is not good nor appropriate. I think celebrities often like when press takes pictures of them, because they too like the fame or gossip about themselves, even if it is not true or suitable for children. Nevertheless, a lot of famous people act out and show their true colours. Many young celebrities do not behave like normal humans and they do something worth the news. Sometimes they think it is cool to do bad things. But a lot of young celebrities do not like the press. It can be very stressful and it will lead to drinking or drugs.
In reality, we do not really know, if the fame is good or bad. But the press sometimes is so insulting, that it destroys a lot of lives. When the gossip is good, then I am sure, that it is positive. But when the news are about something bad or something which is not true, then I think it is negative. The answer to the question – press should write about good stuff, because nobody wants bad things said about them.

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