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Teema: Lühijutud / Muu

Weather - Kooli essee (0)

14.05.2014 20:16, x127 (Viimati luges: Anonüümne lugeja @ )
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Estonia lies between the Russia and the Baltic Sea. Surrounded by Latvia and Finland. But the weather here is like some distinctively other natural phenomenon. It is changing from day to day and it is similar to Britain’s weather, but it is colder.
The year starts with snow and cold weathers, but even that changes. Because this year, we did not have a huge amount of snow and it was quite warm winter. Does that mean summer is gonna be hot this year? We really do not know what to expect, it is like some rocket science to Estonians. Even if we did not have enough snow, we had snow in May. Last year it snowed in April. Weird, right?
Our temperature is very unstable too. One day it is warm and sunny, the other, it is raining and cold outside. It is our spring right now. The sun does not shine so often, but when it does, people enjoy the little spark in the sky. In spring, nature will go green and plants will rise from their death beds, which were used all winter.
Summer in Estonia is warm and the landscapes are breathtaking. Fields filled with growing flowers and birds flying around. But even that can be ruined by rain and thunderstorm, which is very familiar to our people. The water will not be as warm as in other hot temperatured countries, but we can still swim, to cool ourselves off and go lay on the hot sand. The best place in Estonia, where to go when it is sunny outside, is Pärnu. You can find a lot of summer activities there and it is the hottest place in Estonia with rich beaches. And even if the rain falls, you can still stay outside and dance inside of it.
And soon enough our beautiful summer is over and maybe it was not that warm, but we still loved it. The autumn comes and nature will die in very different colours. Trees are full with yellow, red and brown and skies will be gray, water ready to fall on the ground. The wind will wake up and whipe us all from our feet. Flowers are slowly dying and stay in the coffin under the snow, waiting to bloom again. The school will start and now, students do not want to take lessons outside. We can even see our first snow in Autumn, but it might not last that long.
After the trees are naked and embarrased by themselves, the winter will yet again start and the sparkling snow will cover our lands. Mornings will be dark and full of mysteries and days will be cold. But the snow may never come too.
This is our weather which changes everyday, but we are all used to it. We see the beauty in every season.

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