Take a look around the Zhu-niverse! You know what they say, life is one big hamster wheel! Just make sure you don’t get lost in the tubes!

Take some time to get to know the gang! But don’t be surprised if you get caught up in some crazy hamster antics—These guys are always hammin’ it up in one way or another!


Pipsqueak is the unofficial leader of the ZhuZhu Pets!

Mr. Squiggles

Mr. Squiggles is a hamster of all trades—he just has to get a bit more organized at sorting them out!

Num Nums

Num Nums is Pipsqueak’s hamster bestie—she will do anything for her pals!


Chunk is the rodent that you go to when you need some muscle. He is strong like an ox… a little furry ox!

Jilly & Bean

These mischievous twins are always getting into trouble and causing mayhem together!

Watch the ZhuZhus in action!

Get your game on! Race your tail off in the Hamster Hustle, serve up a feast at Chunk’s Diner, or help Princess Snowcup dress for the royal ball!

You can find ZhuZhu pets at many local retailers. They’re here to take over the Zhu-niverse!

Thank you for visiting the Zhu-niverse! We would love to answer your questions, help you with trouble-shooting, hear your comments, and get your feedback.